Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Balancing Act

As we mature in this industry we begin to see things for what they REALLY are yet we still try to do the impossible. We try to be all things to all people. We know what we want but somewhere along the way we have always allowed the needs and wants of others to sidetrack our visions. We do this in an attempt to be unselfish or sometimes out of some weird guilt. Yes guilt. Let me explain. For a musician to be good at his/her craft, it takes long hours of personal dedication. All these ours of being alone and focusing only on what WE want is what has helped us become who we are but there are consequences. All of those hours of practice and dedication to self left some of us a bit socially challenged. (LOL) I mean we find it hard to maintain relationships with people that either don't do what we do or don't serve us any purpose in terms of reaching our goals. So once we realize this we swing to the other end of the pendulum by giving too much of ourselves to others and denying our heart. We become co dependent feeling like we are responsible for saving the world whether it's trying to save some personal relationship or trying convince other musicians how great they are. What I've learned is that we ALL need balance. There is nothing at all wrong with being focused on our goals but it is also OK to relax and have relationships that don't necessarily have anything to do with our career. You would be surprised at how much you learn from people that don't have anything to loose or gain from just being your friend. Balance is also important in helping us keep perspective. We can all sometimes be to close to something to really see the truth. You know, can't see the forest for the trees. Balance helps us breathe and give ourselves a break from self induced stress. It also let's us know that we have no need to feel guilty for our dedication. We just have to make time for other people and things in our lives and demand that those people also value and respect our time and visions. This my friends is the balancing act. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hurt Feelings

I've often heard people say, "It's just business." Most of the times they say this to justify some insensitive or immoral behavior. We are all told that to be successful you have to be unemotional and cold hearted. There can be no hurt feelings. Well this is a crock. As creative people we are wired to be sensitive, thoughtful and caring. That's why it's hard for most artists to become wealthy because most decisions about money have nothing to do with art or some one's feelings. This doesn't just occur at the million dollar level. I've seen people lie and betray others over a few hundred dollars and when called on it they just say that it's business. Now it's true that every situation, gig, contract or event is a negotiation and like it or not the other party is only concerned about their interest. They are not REALLY concerned about treating you fairly. They will know that you are worth $10,000 but if they can convince you to take less, even if it means playing on your artistic emotions, they will. When you find out that you were underpaid they say yet again don't take it personal, it's just business. I believe that you can be shrewd, honest and caring. I also believe that it is OK to be honest about having hurt feelings. Yes we have to be tough but true toughness comes from being able to do good honest business and have people walk away from the table feeling like they were treated fairly and with respect. We can ALL have what we want but no one can have it ALL so don't ever think that being insensitive or betraying your nature will benefit you financially. We just have to always be upfront about what we want and don't want. No need to listen to a bunch of sob stories about this or that. We have a service to offer and we will deliver on our end so there is no need not to demand the same from the other party involved. Having hurt feeling doesn't make you week. It just makes you human but don't let being hurt make you hurt others. Just know that you can be a compassionate artist and a good business man/woman with heart. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Breathe In & Breathe Out

As another year comes to an end and we make our assessments, it's important not to put too much stress on ourselves. Take a look at what you've achieved this year. Don't weigh everything by it's monetary value but take into consideration the lessons learned. It's also important to remember that we don't exist in a vacuum. What I mean is that as much as we love our art and craft we are influenced by ALL of our relationships, especially our significant others. We can say that it doesn't matter and we only live for our music but when you decide to love someone you no longer live for just your music. This is hard because as artists we can sometimes be selfish and we are not always the best verbal communicators. We are temperamental, moody, jealous, territorial and we wear our emotions on our sleeves. For those that love us it can be hard to understand that as creative people we are affected by EVERYTHING. As we move forward, it is important that we learn the secret to success. . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . the secret is to simply breathe in and breathe out. Just keep living but do so only expecting great things from our art and our relationships. And yes we need both. We all need to know that their is someone in our corner that is exclusive to us and we can't be afraid to say that to the people we need. Pursuing your personal legend is a hard way to go and when you choose to let someone in to share the journey with you, they have to be the right one and you have to be unafraid to share and allow them to help you as you help them. I know some may say that one has nothing to do with the other but trust me. No matter how strong we are, we all need support and someone to trust and love. We are a gifted people blessed with the ability to create beauty that can change the very world we live in. If we are going to inspire beauty, we must live and experience it in our on lives, professional and personal. So as you assess this past year and make plans to move forward, don't do so in a vacuum. Take ALL of your relationships into consideration. No stress allowed, just breathe in; breathe out and keep moving towards your success. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Don't Ever Give Up

The one thing it takes to be successful in any career is pure unadulterated commitment. There is no such thing as an easy road. This is especially true in the music industry. It's all about trial and error but each step brings us closer to our goal. Now I admit that along the we sometimes create our own obstacles. Once you have a family and you create responsibilities it can seem next to impossible to achieve your goals. A lot of us will use this as an excuse for quitting. Well I say, don't ever give up. We can choose to do something just because it pays the bills but in the end it really won't serve you or your family well. Don't get me wrong, this is not something that's for everyone but if you have the gift, passion and commitment, then you can have what you want if you just stay on task. It takes a strong resolve to pursue a vision that no one seems to see but you. This is especially hard for artists because everyone sees our talent but they don't necessarily value it. They figure it's just a hobby, you know not a REAL job, so they just don't place any real value on what we do. We are further disrespected by people thinking that our job is so easy that anyone can do it so you even have laymen always trying to tell us how to do what we do. It seems that no one really gets it. In the face of this kind of disrespect and mis education I understand why some may just want to give up but I challenge you not too. Use all the lessons you've learned, take all of those feelings of neglect and being devalued and under payed and channel them into something beautiful. We develop so many skill sets by doing what we do that we don't even realize our own value most of the time. Take some time to re prioritize your goals by trimming the fat. Anything that doesn't truly serve your vision, let it go. It is only slowing you down. Anyone that doesn't truly support you, not only in word but in action, let them go. You have to decide how much you really want this. Remember it's always darkest just before the dawn. Just don't ever give up and you will see the light. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Let It Grow!

OK, I'm so tired of people stunting the growth of music by trying place creativity in a box. In particular I'm speaking about the blues. I've had the privilege over my career to play with some of the greatest names in blues. I've even played with some unsung greats that are better than any of the cats you ever heard. I love ALL music and I continue to learn from every experience. The concern I have is that the blues, in particular, is in danger. Not because of the music or even the buying public. It is being endangered by all of these so called know it alls that seem to think that the blues can only contain the same three chords and can only have a particular beat or groove. The blues is a living music a we must LET IT GROW. The music that was created by Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson and many like them is great and we all love it. They made their contribution by just playing the music they felt. They didn't follow this rule of that rule. The on thing they had to do was be good at being themselves. In order for this music to grow, artists in this generation must be allowed the same creative freedom to explore and expand the form. Of course today's blues is going to be different than the blues of our ancestors. We live in a completely different time. This is the digital age of instant gratification and our very lifestyles create another chapter that has to be written in the history of the blues. The reason I say the blues is in danger is that most of the articles I've read all end up saying the same things. This is great but nothing we haven't heard before. I go to festivals and it's the same thing. Great musicians playing the same thing you've heard a million times before. This may be fine for those that like the tradition but it doesn't help bring any new fans to the music and without new blood the blues can't breathe. The blues is not just about the music, it's a life experience and we all get the blues. The blues is about not only mourning but celebrating and it is unfair for anyone to place limits or try to tell someone else how to live, feel or play the blues. It is important for those of us making records to continue to trust our hearts and make the music we feel. Never let ANYONE tell you that it is not blues or not this or that. The blues is the very foundation on which ALL forms of American popular music is built so we are really listening to the blues everywhere, everyday but we have to express this to the current generation so that they can understand it and nurture it. Again I ask a you blues purists, please just let it grow. The blues has grown from seeds of beauty that were planted many year ago by some of the greatest minds of our time. Let's continue to cultivate this music. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Real Deal

This industry can be full of phony people and con artists. It can be very hard to weed them out until it's too late but most of the time it's easier for us to be taken advantage of because we are really coning ourselves. What I mean is that we all know real from fake but a lot of times it's easier to believe the hype. You have to always be able to recognize the real deal. The thing about being real is that you don't have to hype it. It just is what it is. Whenever someone starts making you a bunch of promises about what they can deliver be very careful. The first thing you want to do is see who else they have done anything for. Have they had any legitimate success in any other situation? This goes for any association because our time is our most valuable asset and we can't afford to have it wasted. It is vital for us to stay focused and always have a plan for our own vision. Don't ever allow yourself to get caught up in the hype. Stay calm and patient. Never put all of your eggs in one basket and never get emotional about your business decisions. When you know the real deal you can't accept BS from ANYONE. Now this doesn't mean that we become jaded and bitter. It just means that we don't waste any time even listening to some one trying to con us and trust me, you will know in the first few words if you are dealing with a con artist. Most of these people don't consider themselves as con artists. They just figure they can fake what they don't know but they don't realize that by wasting our time they do a disservice to themselves as well. It's just best to be honest about what you don't know. You can express an interest to learn and get experience but don't try to sell me the world and you don't even own a block. So as you move forward, don't be guided by your emotions. Stay focused on making great art and work daily toward achieving your goals because inevitably it's all about you looking out for yourself. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's All About The Feel

I've had countless discussions with fellow musicians about how to make great music. I was a music major in college so I kind of have the best of two worlds. One being natural instinct and the other being music academia but what I've found is that it doesn't matter how many chords you know or how well you can read music. It's all about the feel. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't learn to read music. I believe that every musician should develop some level of basic reading proficiency but it seems that a lot of so called educated musicians can be to uptight and stuffy. I can say that because, as I said before, I belong to both worlds. I teach drum lessons and I'm always telling my students to focus more on developing a feel and sound. Yes scales and rudiments are important but when you we create music we have to do so from the heart and we can sometimes let all this so called knowledge get in the way of our heart. I work on a lot of records yearly. I guess you could say that the studio is truly my second home. I don't stress over gear or spend to much time philosophizing about set ups or trying to reinvent the wheel. I just go in and surrender to whatever the vibe dictates. Whether it's blues, jazz, funk, r&b, country . . .etc. I just go for what the song needs. It never requires a lot of discussion. Once you start to play you know immediately what works or what doesn't. When I was in school I would have guys that would spend hours talking over this concept of that. The shuffle should be played here or there and the swing should feel like blah, blah, blah. Yes I know and understand all the text book concepts but when I'm playing and creating music, I'm only playing what feels right to me and sometimes that may involve something from the text book but most of the time involves me breaking the so called rules. I've found that the people that live and die by the rules and spend time talking instead of creating are simply doing so because they lack the true instinct and heart to just allow music to happen. It will always happen if you let it. The truth is some people have it and some don't. I've known guys that could technically do things that I could never do but they could not play a groove that would make people want to dance or cry. Music is ALL about expression. It's not about intellectual jousting. Miles Davis put it perfectly, he said,"Learn everything you can then forget it." I agree! It's a must to know fundamentals but you must always leave room for the universe to speak and breathe life into your art. Remember it's not what you know but how you make it feel. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Just See The Truth

One of the hardest things for us to do is to see the truth about ourselves and our goals. Instead of facing sometimes harsh realities, we just ignore the facts and try to force what we want but to no avail. It is important to realize that the truth is not your enemy. Truth and faith go hand in hand. We get so attached to what WE think should happen or how WE see our vision coming to fruition that we sabotage our own progress. We keep going through the motions year after year trying to fit a round peg into a square hole just wearing our self and our spirit down. Take time to step back and see what things you've done that work and what things don't. Don't try to explain or judge just take in the facts and see the truth. If success is what you are really after then following your truth will get you there. Life is all about change and adjustments. I mean how can we learn and earn more without changing? We can't! So it is important for us to not be so attached to what we think and leave space for the truth to speak to us. This doesn't mean that you won't achieve your goals, it just means that your path to achieving them may end up being one you never considered but when the true path is revealed to you, you must be able to accept, adjust and keep moving forward. It's also about making smarter decisions. I've been writing and producing for years. I've done some major and independent label stuff. I took stock of all I've done and found that even though I had done all these great projects, I had attached myself to situations that limited my exposure to the world. So instead of thinking that I was going to create this super artist or group myself, I had to become open to sharing my music and songs with people that were already in a position to help me move forward. Instead of me continuing to be a part of situations that would never really go any further than where they had been created. I had to accept that I needed to travel and expose the execs and higher ups to who I am and what I'm capable of. This is where I am now and it is still a learning process everyday but one that I am better for. So my advice to you is to make your plan for 2012 based on the truth and not just YOUR version of it. Have faith and step out of your box. Success awaits you. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just Be Honest

The music business is full of contradictions. I mean the very name music business is an oxymoron. As artists we are suppose to create art that comes from our heart but the truth is most of us are people pleasers and we want to be liked and accepted so at some point in our lives we begin to compromise our creative integrity. This happens so subtly that years can pass before we realize that we have lost sight of who we are as artists and sometimes even as people. We are different by design and that is a good thing but we allow people to make us think that there is something wrong with the way we think, look, act or dress just because we don't fall into what they see as normal. My advice is just be honest. Be honest with yourself about who you really are and don't sacrifice or compromise your art or integrity for the business or for any other person. We are beautiful just as we are and if we have to change to be accepted then maybe we need to re-examine the relationships we have chosen. The music business has turned in on itself. It has become more business than art. People are no longer concerned about being great artists, they just want to be rich. As artists we have to regain control of this industry but we must first regain control of our own creative space. We need no longer lie to ourselves or the people around us just to make them happy or to be accepted. If they don't like us or our art then let them move on but we can no longer quench our creative spirit. True artistic expression is rooted in honesty to one's self and that honesty opens to door to clarity and that door grants us inner piece . . . artistic fulfilment, if you will. I'm not saying that we shouldn't want to be successful or wealthy. I'm just saying that we need only be honest about our art and our very being too achieve what ever level of success we are pursuing. Don't be a yes man/woman all the time. If you don't like it or if your art is a little left of center, then so be it. Just be your best you. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Be Patient, Not Passive

Success is a life long pursuit and it requires discipline and discernment. Most people fall short of the mark in this industry because of two things. Either they are rushing to get to something or just dragging their feet. Neither one of these ever reaps lasting results. The people that are always in a hurry often don't take time to truly learn their craft. They hustle their way through but end up getting exposed in the end. The people that drag their feet are often very qualified but they lack the courage and self motivation to move on anything. My advice is to find a happy medium. We should learn to be patient but not passive. The slow road is always the best road because you will have longevity and walking this road requires discipline and patience. Being patient doesn't mean sitting by waiting on some one to give you something. It simply means that you are working everyday by consistently chipping away at the tasks at hand. A lot of musicians get it confused. They think that being patient means waiting on the right manager or that big break. They become passive and just let their life and career pass them by. It is vitally important to have a plan and work that plan daily. Success is achieved by doing a lot of small things that end up becoming big accomplishments. For example: if you are going to be in the record business, then you have to first make a record. Talking about it won't get it done. Once you start you will see that the process doesn't end there. You basically have to make a record every year to have new product to present to the market place and concert and festival buyers. Instead of complaining or dreaming, just go to work doing what you can. If you don't have the money right now to complete the CD, at least go ahead and right the songs. This is that patience piece. Opportunity always comes. It's just a matter of whether or not we are prepared to seize it and the best way to be prepared is to work patiently and purposefully on a daily basis. Just do SOMETHING all the time. Never let a day go by that you don't contribute some amount of time towards advancing your plan. Stay on top of it and never get discouraged. Remember, slow and steady ALWAYS wins the race. So just be patient but not passive. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Learn From Your Past

Everyday I end my posts with, "Enjoy the journey." A part of enjoying this journey is being able to acquire wisdom along the way. The music industry can be a vicious cycle and if you are not a quick study, in can devour you. The definition of insanity is doing the same things but expecting different results. To be a success in this business and in life in general, you have to learn from your past. I have made a lot of mistakes and given up a lot of things in pursuit of my goals and yes it can sometimes be hard to not have regret or wish you could do something over. What I've come to understand is that the pain caused by our mistakes is a good thing. It enables us to have a certain clarity that only experience can provide, especially when the pain is self induced. We are all a sum total of our choices and decisions. We have all made some good and bad choices and decisions but it is up to us to learn from those experiences in order to improve our future. It is important to be able to make an honest assessment of who we are. Change can be the most difficult thing in life because we are creatures of habit and we like to be content but learning is synonymous with changing. When we know better, we are suppose to do better. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you have been wrong about something or a few things but this is how we learn from our past. Once we know what we did wrong or what habits or practices have not served us well, then we know what to change and how to change them. We have the answers to the test. It's never easy but well worth the effort. As the new year approaches and you begin to take stock of this past year's accomplishments, also take time to to look at the mistakes or missteps. Analyze them and their causes, then simply make a different plan to move forward in 2012. We will always make mistakes. It's a part of learning and being human but let's make some NEW mistakes and not keep reliving the same ones. This my friends is truly insanity. The road to success and inner peace is one that we travel daily. Let's continue to pave new routes for our journey and not keep going down the same dead end roads. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's Just Business

The dynamic between agents and musicians is always interesting to me. It seems that as artists and musicians we are held to a higher standard than the agents we sometimes work with. I know that there are some musicians out there that can give an agent fits but for the most part there is always a weird tug of war going on when it comes to money. The agent wants to keep as much money in their pocket as possible and of course the artist wants to do the same. This is fine for either party as long as there is an honest relationship. I've dealt with some really great agents and a lot of not so great ones. The thing to keep in mind in any situation is that it's just business. When dealing with any agent, always be upfront and honest about what YOU want to be paid and any other particulars dealing with your show. Communication is key to any successful relationship. Never participate in anything that is unethical with ANY agent because it always comes back to bite you later. A lot of agents will tell you that you are only worth so much money because you are new or no one really knows who you are yet. Now this can be true but it's all about the quality of the show you are putting on stage. Known or not, if you are putting on a $10,000 show and only charging $1,500 then you are selling yourself short. You just need to know the market in terms of what the going rate is for clubs, festivals, corporate and tour dates. Be sure to have a killer video as a part of your package so that the agent can show people how HOT you are. Don't ever be afraid to say no. If you have a minimum price and you don't see a reason to go below it, then don't. Never allow an agent to guilt you into in job you know you don't want to take. We all work hard at what we do and it's important that the agent values us as well. Always handle business by being on time, being classy and putting on a great show and the agent should always handle their business by keeping you booked with quality well paying work with no under the table deals or under selling of the gig to you to help boost their commission. What I mean by that is, it's unfair for the agent to sell a gig to you saying it only pays $3,000 when he knows he can get $5,000. If you accept it for $3,000, he gets a commission off of that and pockets $2,000. These are the kinds of underhanded practices I've seen. It's hard to stop this once you've given him a price that you will work for. Just be careful and never sign an exclusive with anyone unless they are guaranteeing you X amount of dates and money a year in writing. Other than that, remain non-exclusive and never take anything personal. When someone shows you who they are, just believe them the first time and keep it moving. It's just business. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Price Of Genius

The music business is full of contradictions. In most professions there are certain rules that apply that are usually spot on all the time. I mean if you are a talented doctor or attorney your worth is appreciated, respected and financially rewarded but that is not the case in our business. I recently played a show with a legendary entertainer, who shall remain nameless. When I arrived to the club, people were there telling me how they couldn't wait to hear him and how great he was. After playing with him, I too concurred that he is incredible, simply a genius but the club didn't charge a cover and the money he was making was really an insult to his talent. I've had the pleasure of playing with and learning from quite a few genius musicians in my career but it seems that society does not reward genius. We seem to be more comfortable with mediocrity. We recognize genius but we don't seem to respect it. This is why the music industry and arts in general are in a state of flux. Everyone loves music of some kind but place no real value on those that create it. It seems that people think that musicians and artists are just around to please them but shouldn't be paid well. But they will shell out thousands of dollars on media made music. This is music that has no real substance or staying power. It's music created in a box for the lowest common denominator. It isn't intellectually challenging nor does it inspire you to think. Now I know that music is not always suppose to be serious, especially popular music but even when you are singing about love, there is a way to do it that can inspire people to want to experience love and not just sex. We fear what we don't understand and this is the price of genius. As I stated earlier, people can recognize genius but it frightens them because it challenges them to think and move to a different space. This is why most great musicians are never fully rewarded while they are alive but after their death people look back at their work and then embrace their genius. I challenge you as a music buying and concert going public to respect, appreciate and financially reward the artists you like. Not just the media made artists but the geniuses you see in your local pubs or regional concert venues. Money and media can not make genius. Only God makes these people and as you share in their gifts please understand that genius is worthy of not only recognition but compensation as well. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Nerve

It is so amusing to me how we as artists are underestimated and disrespected by the very people that call themselves our representation. Whether it's those in management, legal or publicity, they seem to always think that the artist is ignorant. The nerve of these people! This is not an indictment of all people in management, legal or publicity but if the show fits . . . well you know. It's time that we stop allowing this to occur. I can't tell you how many times I've sat in meetings with people that want to represent me but they really didn't know anything about me. They may have seen me put on a cool show and even though I would make strides to give them BIG picture of my goals, they begin to talk to me as if I'm some new cat with no experience. I guess as I get older my patience for this has just run thin. Most of these people don't even have the experience I have but they want me to spend money with them yet they have not really proven themselves. Yet they expect us as artists to jump through hoops. I understand that nothing in this business really gets done without money to make it flow but I've gotten to the place where I'm done having my intellect insulted by these kinds of people. Respect is paramount. If you truly want us to spend money with you, then show us the respect we deserve by doing the research and understanding who we are. I mean I've spent literally half my life in the recording studio and I'm still in the lab daily so I don't need to sit in front of a management type and have them try to explain pro tools or music quality to me. This to me simply says that they don't respect my experience or they are just ignorant. This is why it is vitally important for us as artists to educate ourselves on ALL facets of the business that have ANYTHING to do with our advancement so that these people can't pull the wool over our eyes and steal our money with promises of this and that and not deliver. When you know the game, you can spot a phony a mile away. And don't get me wrong, there are some really successful phonies out there because they have just been getting over on uneducated naive artists. Let's choose to educate ourselves and make these people rise to the occasion. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The most important thing we all have in this business is our belief in ourselves. As artists it is not always easy to maintain this belief because we are always searching for approval or validation from others. The thing we have to do is not be so concerned about what any one thinks about us or our art. Of course we want people to like what we do but we can't be so influenced by others that we begin to make art for the sole purpose of someone Else's approval. It's also hard to know who is telling you the truth. No one can REALLY judge art. It is so subjective. We have to be strong enough to stand by our creative inspirations and if people like it cool and if they don't that's cool too but either way all you can do is create from an honest place. Looking for outside validation can also be dangerous because people will use that against us. They may see that you have something unique but they won't help you unless they can reap the larger benefit. Creating art and having faith go hand in hand. We need not search for another man's approval. Just create the art that is in YOUR heart and I promise you it will be accepted. Once people realize that their opinion doesn't drive your process one way or the other then they will just lay back and accept who YOU are. It can also save your feelings. I mean how many times have you created something great only to have someone close to you give you a luke warm reception of it. Now does their opinion mean that your creation wasn't great or does it mean that they just didn't get it. Not everyone exists on the same creative level. Take Thelonius Monk for example. He made music that changed the way we look at melody and harmony but when he created his art, not many people understood it. They were not on his level so they were not equipped to judge or validate his art. It was only later that his genius was appreciated. Imagine if he had listened to those people, we would never have experienced the beauty of his art. So take people's opinions of your work with a grain of salt. Trust YOUR heart and vision. True genius is never really understood right away so don't allow people with a limited creative IQ to try and judge your art. The only validation you need is self validation. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011


OK enough is enough. I would like to address children and show business. I have a very talented thirteen year old son. He began showing interest in music form age three but I didn't force it on him. I simply allowed him to be exposed to music and performance. He then began to express a keen interest in wanting to pursue a career and he does have a gift. Now I know every parent thinks their child can be a star but I'm serious, this child is someone special. As he has gotten older, I've focused on nurturing his talent so that he can be fundamentally sound on all fronts and not just another cute child that will lose his charm once he's an adult. I also have experience working with other talented children and I want to discuss one of the most ignorant things I was told by a group of parents. These people told me that if my child and their children did not make it in the business by the time they were sixteen that they would be washed up and have no career. Now keep in mind that I have been traveling the world as a professional musician since I was nineteen years old. I've appeared on the Tonite Show, American Music Awards, David Letterman, etc . . . as well as having produced quite a few records for major and independent label artists. So I think I'm more than qualified when it comes to knowing how THIS business works. These people spend thousands of dollars sending their children to cattle call auditions only to return with a trophy or certificate that says that their child has potential so they keep going around ruining the child's true view of this business because the child begins to buy into the lie of only having a few years to make it. This is not only sad but it is abuse. For those of you that REALLY have a talented child you should keep in mind that if anyone asks you for money in advance to do anything for your child then are not legitimate. A real agent will only make money when they make YOU money. They work on a percentage basis. The problem we have is that people have been so brain washed by these T.V. talent shows that everyone thinks their child can be famous and they are willing to do and spend anything to get there. Just imagine if they spent that same time, money and energy on fully developing the child's gifts by putting them in the best dance, acting, singing and instrumental classes as well as making sure that the child has a strong understanding of how the music business works and is aware of ALL of the career opportunities in this industry such as entertainment law, publishing, songwriting, producing, etc. . . I FULLY support the artistic development of any child but I think the time as come for parents to stop seeing talented children as mill tickets. If you are truly interested in getting your child into this business just call a REAL child agency in any of the major markets and let them tell you what you should do. Disney, Nickelodeon and the like are always having auditions. Look them up and get the schedules. The Internet has also made it so that you can promote any one's talent just by uploading a great video. This doesn't involve you spending a lot of money or taking the child all over the place on wild goose chases. YouTube videos can also serve as resume pieces to show an agent who you are, your look, talent and personality. So for those people telling children that they only have until 16 to be successful, PLEASE STOP IT AND EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!! Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How Do You Define Making It?

The American music industry is youth driven. Most people are simply discarded after age twenty five. The sad thing about this concept is that we buy into it. I talk to musicians all the time that say they are too old or missed their shot. There are no missed shots. This is a life long pursuit. Everyone wants to make it but how do you define making it? The fact of the matter is very few people are sincerely concerned about pursuing their passion and growing in their craft. The main focus is on money and fame. If they don't sell a million records or make millions of dollars then they consider themselves unsuccessful. I have been mentored by some of the greatest musicians and artists of our time and it inspires me to see them at age fifty and up still pursuing their goals and breaking NEW ground. This only let's me know that there is no time limit on pursing your passion and you can't allow yourself to become a slave to things and fame. They are both fleeting but truly making it means that you have been able to live a good life and provide for your loved ones while continuing to grow and pursue your passion. It is not defined solely by money. I believe that when you focus only on money and/or fame you miss the big picture. Maybe this is why music and art, for the most part have become plastic with no soul. Artists are more concerned with their brand and merchandising than they are about making great music and art. They make money but I fear we are going to be left with an artistically lost generation. Music and art are like breathing. If you don't breathe, you will die. No one has to pay you to breathe. You do so for survival. Let's place the focus back on the music and the craft. If we make great art, then the money and everything else will come but it will ALL be based on the quality of our music and not how well we market our brand. That is how I define making it. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Handling Disappointment

OK guys let's have a real heart to heart about something that is a little taboo... failure. Our success is largely driven by our belief in our self. When no one else believes we have to be strong enough to persevere but this can be hard because none of us want to fail. Failing or falling is all a part of being successful. Handling disappointment is a skill that we all need to learn to master if we are really serious about making it in this game. I say it's taboo because no one ever wants to talk about their mistakes or failures. We all believe in the power of positive thinking and communication so we think that if we don't address these failures then they won't exist. Well addressing or facing your failures is a part of positive self motivation. Disappointments simply serve to make us better. Every set back or failure gives us a chance to grow. What we have to do is be strong enough to handle these moments and not let them handle us. If you fail at one approach at least you know what doesn't work so you are still a winner. People only become jaded and bitter because they have not learned how to handle disappointment. They beat themselves up so bad that they are defeated even before they start again. Let's learn to see every failed experience as a teachable moment. I can't tell you how many things I've learned from falling short of the mark. I've recovered from every one of those experiences with more knowledge and wisdom. Yes wisdom. Wisdom only comes from living your life full out and understanding how to deal with and recover from failures. Life is beautiful everyday and your goals ARE attainable. Just keep getting up and you will WIN. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Set Boundaries

Have you ever felt as if you are always making sacrifices to help everyone else and not getting the same in return? It seems that this is a common occurrence in this business. No one ever makes it on their own. We all need help from someone. In realizing this, we also know that we have to help others in order to get help. The problem comes in because most of us never learn how to set boundaries. It is important to know what YOU want. The thing that happens is that we make so many sacrifices trying to help others or just be compassionate until you wake up one day years later only to realize that you have lost sight of your goals and your existence has become one of servitude. What I mean by servitude is that you have become afraid to just be you and state how you feel creatively or otherwise. You become a servant to those in your life because all you want to do is make them happy even when it doesn't please you. If you establish strong boundaries upfront with people, you never have to worry about people crossing a line into your space and you are also guaranteed that they will respect you. We don't always have to be so agreeable. No one becomes successful by just playing along by someone Else's rules. As visionaries we have to be strong enough to stay true to our visions no matter what and no matter who likes or dislikes it. It's OK to to give and be helpful, just don't allow people to take advantage of you and pull you away from your purpose. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


One of the most misunderstood things in music is simplicity. I am a drummer and I love what I do. I know a lot of drummers that have chops for days but when it come to playing music they kind of miss the mark. I tend to get labelled as an entertainer of even showboat to some but I'm always focused on the most important thing and that is making the music groove by playing as little as possible. The most beautiful music is made in the spaces between the notes. It's more about what you DON'T play or say. I get a lot of calls because people seem to like the way I can make a song feel. Most drummers have seen me play and said that what I was doing was simple and anybody could do it. At least that's what they said until they had to try to duplicate what I was doing. My approach to playing drums is very simple. It's all about being open to the musical conversation that occurs on stage. It's also about being able to lead or guide the band with confidence but without being a musical bully. Any band is only as good as the drummer and we are responsible for setting the tone, vibe and energy. I've found that it is more fun and musically satisfying to try to get the most out of playing only a few notes. I like to make the groove and pocket a priority. It's all about the song first. It is vitally important to know the melody and/or lyrics to any tune you play so that you know how to perform the tune. The lyric tells us all we need to know about how to express on our instruments. It is really harder to play simple and also play space. Yes, space is also music. Use space to create or resolve tension. The use of space demands that your audience pays attention to each and every note because people are intrigued by space. Especially in popular music or any music that people are going to dance too, the groove has to be simple and solid. Most of us find this hard to do because we would rather stroke our egos and play all these feels and chops that really don't add to the music at all. It is important to develop a large vocabulary but it's even more important to know what to say and when to say it. Always play for the music and not your ego. Space is our friend. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


In this business people tend to take concepts and pervert the true meanings to serve their own agendas. Most of us fall for it hook, line and sinker because it's often done by using cliches' to appeal to our since of compassion and duty. One of the most often misunderstood of these is loyalty. People say that being loyal is important and it is but you have to see the BIG picture. It's interesting that as long as you are doing what other people want you to do you are considered loyal but if you have to make a decision that best serves you and not them, they consider you disloyal. I submit that the only loyalty you have to show is to yourself. I don't mean we should be selfish or heartless but everybody enters into a partnership with an agenda. If every one is loyal to their on agenda first then that loyalty to self with in turn make the group, business or partnership better because each of us has a motivation that will make us be our best at all times. We all join organizations fully willing to be loyal to the mission but our main motivation to even join is because it serves some personal agenda for us. It's OK to admit this and it's OK to let anyone you work with know that you are there to serve not only them but yourself and the moment it ceases to be productive for you then they have to understand that you will have to bow out. As we have all heard before, "To thine own self be true." Don't allow people to twist the meaning of loyalty or to guilt you into doing something that doesn't serve your personal goals. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

YES! We Do Work

It seems that those of us that are full time musicians/artists/entrepreneurs get a bad rap. It seems that people think that we don't really work for a living. YES! We do work. We are a brand and a business and we have to spend time developing or creating things that will increase our worth. I get up everyday and work on music production, writing, consulting, marketing...etc, but I guess because I work for myself and I'm not punching a clock there are those that think that I'm just not working. It's really harder to do what we do because we are not motivated by the punch the clock attitude. Yes making a regular check is nice but as musicians/artists we have to plan at least a year ahead most of the time. We are always working and networking now for what is to come. This is the only way we get on tours, CD projects, T.V. shows and the like. We have to work ALL the time. We never really have any time off because we have to always keep our eyes and ears open to opportunity. It is also a must that we are creating all time because when opportunity comes we will be ready and not have to get ready. I guess you can say that our work is based on faith. We have faith that the opportunities are coming so we have to do the work to be ready. I've written hundreds of songs and I'm still writing. This intellectual property belongs to me and is worth something. As I place material and get calls from companies or artists that are looking for material, I have to have something to let them hear or something to show what I can do. I can't just wait until an opportunity arises and then decide to work. I work ALL the time. My son says that I get to have fun for a living so it can't be a real job. LOL. And to a degree he's right. As artists we are not driven by what others see as real because we do what we love so we don't really see it as a burden or something hard to do. This is our career not just a job. And yes we have to pay dues. We can go long stretches without making much money but when the money hits, it hits hard and heavy. I guess the reason people don't think we are doing anything is because we enjoy it and I guess work is not suppose to be fun. Well YES! We do work and we LOVE what we do. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


If you are going to achieve anything in life there are certain skills you just have to possess. Chief among those skills is knowing how to deal with conflict. Nothing worth having is ever easy and or without some level of conflict. The closer you get to achieving success the more you are going to have to be able to use the word NO and this is most cases can cause conflict. You can never ignore or shy away from it because it will only serve to undermine your mission. None of us like to be the bad guy but we have to be strong enough to understand that we have to make the best decisions for our careers and agendas. We will go through all kinds of relationships in this business and it is best to always be honest and upfront. Don't just communicate when things are good and run when they are not. The best business man is an honest one. People may not always like what you have to say but they will always respect you for saying it with an honest heart. If you have an issue with something or someone, never belabor it or hide from it. It is important to always tackle conflict head on. If you want to dissolve a relationship do it face to face like a man or a woman. Don't send impersonal messages such as texts, emails and voice mails. You should always end a business relationship the same way you started it, face to face with honesty and integrity. Let's face it, this is a tough game and not all things fit all the time. To truly be successful you have to be willing to face conflict but remember to do so with honesty and compassion. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I often hear a lot of musicians and artists complaining about people holding them back or being against them. I even admit that there have been times when I've also subscribed to this to behavior. Most of us term these people as haters. Haters? The truth I've uncovered is that there are really very few haters. None of us make it anywhere without some one's help. Sometimes it's important to take a step back and realize just ho many people are really in your corner. I think you will find that there are far more people that want to see you succeed than you think. Hate is a concept of perception and it only exists in your mind. Of course there are times when people may be envious or jealous but all that means is that they are inspired by you and your ability or accomplishments. It's all in how you look at it. People are inspired by results and if you are the type of person that always gets results then people are watching and copying you. This puts you in a position to be a trendsetter and trendsetters are not concerned about the so called haters because they understand that some get it and some don't and those that don't, will. It's all about changing your mind set. You will always find what you go looking for. If hate and dislike is what you seek then that is what you will receive but if you are truly focused on achieving and leading by example then success is what you will receive. You have to understand that success of any type comes with responsibility and you have to be bigger than the situation. Also understand that there is more love than hate and there are more people that want to see you make than you would ever know. Just believe. There are NO haters just a few unenlightened people, so just enlighten them by living YOUR best life. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Follow Through

Let's talk about the single most important factor of being successful in this business. It's called follow through. It is one thing to start something and yet another to see it all the way to the end. This business is about work and the only way you loose is if you don't stay persistent and consistent. I can't tell you the number of cards I've gotten from people that I intended to contact but never got around to it. What I've discovered is that I was making a grave mistake in not following through and following up on every single lead and contact because you never know who someone REALLY is or even who they may know. I've made it a practice to always follow up at least within a day or so while the meeting is still fresh on people's mind and I try to drop them a line at least every other week or so to just stay on their radar. Since doing this, I've seen a lot of wonderful things transpire and it just served to remind me that I have to stay committed to handling business at ALL times. Yes, it is time consuming because the more people you meet the more time you will have to spend to keep your network going and growing but it is worth it. This also applies to dealing with agents and promoters. We have to follow through on every contact and booking opportunity. These people get bombarded weekly with hundreds of requests and they are constantly meeting new people so if you are going to stay on their mind you have to follow through with building and maintaining a relationship. Who you know is as important as what you know but who you know won't matter if you are not willing to follow through on reaching out to them. Don't procrastinate on ANYTHING as it relates to this game. Think it, Do it! It's that simple. See every project completely to the end. This is what success is all about. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Splitting Your Time

As we all know there are two sides to this game. The creative and the business. To be successful we can't spend ALL of our time on either. As independent label owners and producers we have to learn to split our time wisely. This can be very hard for those of us with the gift of being prolifically creative but we have to learn to step out of the studio and into the office if any of our creations are to ever get any real attention. It is also vital that we find help. No one can do all the work but even in having a good team you still end up having to do the follow up work. I've written a lot of songs and produced a lot of records but I'm just now getting to the point of being disciplined enough to spend more time in the office. Here's my solution. Take the first four hours of the business day from 8am to 12pm on Monday through Wednesday to do radio calls, grant calls, setting up interviews and Internet promo work. Take a lunch and go into the studio after lunch for writing, production or mixing and you have your evenings for gigs or night sessions. You should also design specific plans and goals for each project you embark on. I've found myself being in the midst of working on a bunch of great music with no specific direction. I mean the music may be great but the artist may not be ready financially or otherwise to truly sell the product. So I have to decide what projects are truly worth my time and focus on a full plan to see them all the way to success. That includes publicity, marketing, video shoot, radio placement, magazine reviews & interviews as well as putting together a killer live presentation to tour with. This is a lot but if you are not willing to due ALL of this for each project then you are wasting your time. We can't become successful by just playing gigs or staying in the studio. Someone has to handle the business and if you allow others to tell you that they can handle it for you . . . well we have years of horror stories from artists that got ripped off because they had no knowledge of their own business. So let's start learning to split our time so that we can not only create great art but see that art realize it's full potential. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Intellect, Ability & Entertainment

Success in the music industry can seem very elusive. For the most part in requires a whole lot of luck but you can create your own luck. There are always opposing forcing working in the industry. Those that know verses those that think they know. Let me explain. Everybody's a critic of what we do. We get heavily scrutinized mostly by our peers and most of the time it's out of ignorance and jealousy. In order to be a success in this game it takes intellect, ability and entertainment skills. It's not by mistake that this is called SHOW business. If you don't have something REAL to show then you are just one of hundreds of thousands of artists or musicians trying to make it. The thing that irritates me is to hear artists down play someone Else's success in order to make themselves look better. I mean you may not like Brittany Spears, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Usher or whoever but I guarantee you that you wouldn't want to try to compete against any of them in the studio or on the stage. There is an art to delivering a great studio performance and it most times has very little to do with how well you sing or play. It's about being able to communicate a distinct thing. What we get confused with as musicians is thinking that just because you know all the scales and chords that this gives you the right to judge some one else. Just because you have a lot of information in your head doesn't make you smart. The key to success is being able to make art that reaches people and that takes heart and true intellect. I say intellect because you have to be smart enough to know your strengths and weakness and to understand that they both contribute to making you unique. People that buy concert tickets want to be entertained, for the most part so the best artists have to find a way to present their music in a passionate and entertaining way and that takes ability and a lot of intellect. It seems that if something has too much entertainment value that critics and mostly other musicians or artists will mark them off as fluff but don't fool yourself. Being able to put on an entertaining show will keep you working and getting paid much more than you bragging about how many notes you can play or how pure your music is. Dizzy Gillespie was one of the fathers of Bebop and he was a world class entertainer which contributed largely to his world wide appeal and success. His ability to entertain made his music accessible to EVERYONE. You didn't have to be a Jazz snob to like his music because his personality on stage made everyone feel invited to the party. So let's be careful when we judge entertainers. If you are not a great entertainer then work on it but don't chastise someone who is because when it's all said and done a good entertainer will trump your complaining and criticism every time. People just want to have fun. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Still Confused

I am a bit irritated by by an ever pervasive attitude among musicians that continues to allow us to be pimped and exploited at every turn. Everyone from club owners to managers has us jumping through hoops for them but none of them are really showing us any level of respect. I agree that money should not be our main focus but we have to modify our understanding of that concept. When we as artists say this we don't mean that we don't want to make money. What we mean is that we have faith that if we stay focused on creating great art then the money will come but most people take our artistic dedication as a weakness and use against us. I'm still confused as to how club owners, so called managers and promoters can come to us to play shows without offering an acceptable wage. I can't tell you how many calls I get from guys about playing a club but they will say that we have to start out for three or four hundred dollars and we can use this to build ourselves up. Now let's keep in mind that most of these guys have toured around the world with some of the biggest artists of our time and they actually entertain this mess. I even had one guy give me the don't focus on the money speech. Man I told him that in this situation that was BS. We have spent our lives perfecting our craft and honing our skills. If we are good enough to make thousands of dollars touring with these great artists and producing records, why should we have to allow some second rate club owner or so called manager to insult us. It seems that these people place no value on experience and ability. That doesn't happen in any other profession. In any other field, you are rewarded and respected for your experience and expertise. It's time that we stop allowing ourselves to be exploited by these people. I can't tell you how many times a club owner has come up to me and said that he had never seen anything like my show our how happy he was to have us there and he wants us back but when you start talking about the money he begins to make excuses and say just work with me. Well I did work with him. I came to his place and put on a great show that in turn allowed him to make more money. He was satisfied enough to ask us back with the promise of more money but the money never really increases. I know this is nothing new in the music industry. The point I'm trying to make is that we as musicians have to change our thought process. We are not beholding to these people. They need us more than we need them. We have to be willing to work smart enough to develop our own brand and fan base. Once we do that, we can create our own value and if they don't want to pay us then we will play somewhere else. Even if it means sponsoring our own shows. We deserve to be wealthy and live comfortably too. No more starving artist BS. Now let's go about changing this perception. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Diversify Your Listening

I recently had a conversation with a friend about the kinds of music we listen to and how it can affect our outlook and decision making. It is vitally important to diversify your listening. It has long been said that if you want to have a view into the psyche of a society just look at the music they listen too. Music is like food and we all know that we can't survive on just one kind of food. We have to have a balanced diet. Well your musical diet should be the same way. We have to include music from several genres and on several different subject matters. You would be surprised how much music effects our everyday life, goals, what we wear, who we vote for. . .etc. This is especially important for developing children. From birth a child should be given exposure to several forms of music to help stimulate his/her brain. Music, like anything else, has different purposes. There are some forms of music that require a bit more intellect than others. Listening to hip/hop, rock or R&B is cool but if that's all you listen to today then I fear that the scope of your thinking will only be confined to sex, money, drugs, clothes and more sex. You are what you listen too. You should regularly search out music and cultures that you know nothing about and you should choose music that has varied subject matters. It is also important to listen to the classics whether it's Beethoven, Mozart, Motown, Stax, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, James Brown and the list goes on. This is more important now than ever before as we stand at the dawn of a new music industry. As leaders of this new industry we need to be better educated on how musical diversity can not only change us but the world. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are You Afraid Of Success

I've spent years in this business and I continue to see and learn so many things from so many people. I remember every story told and lesson taught from years ago. I've worked with so many talented people that will never have a hit record or even gig outside of their hometown. The main reason they won't advance is that they are afraid of success. I know you've heard this before but do you really know what it means? Most of us have fallen so in love with pursuing the dream that we've never really focused on making it a reality. We subconsciously sabotage every opportunity and later blame some one or some thing for it not happening. We end up settling for being a big fish in a little pond because most of us are afraid that if we venture out into larger waters we may just find out that we are not good enough to be there. Facing this truth takes a lot of courage and honesty. Most people will never admit to feeling this way. I've always had it in reverse. When I get an opportunity, I don't belabor it at all, I just take it. I understand that no one is going to know what I can do unless I show them and if that means that I have to go to Paris or where ever to show them then that's what I have to do. Yes it can be scary. Trust me, I have a healthy fear in every new situation. I say healthy because it is not the fear that will make me not move ahead but it is the fear that motivates me to be prepared to give my best in EVERY situation so that people will want to work with me again. I realized a long time ago that I can truly have ANYTHING I want and so can you. Don't waste your life chasing a dream that you are afraid to see come true. If you want something, start making it happen TODAY. No more waiting or making excuses. Are you afraid of success? Only you truly know the answer. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stop Complaining

OK guys, enough is enough. It is important to remember that we are masters of our fate. We have free will to make whatever choices we want. We have ALL made some choices that we were not happy with. I appeal to you today to stop complaining. Understand that ALL of life is a learning experience. If you went to school and didn't learn or you feel as if you were short changed at some point in your life, well you have no one to blame but yourself. Every one of us is responsible for the decisions we make and we all make mistakes. We just have to be honest enough to admit it and turn those mistakes into teachable moments. The music industry is not a place for complainers or people that are not self motivated. The reason that so many people have gotten taken advantage of in this business is because they allowed it. Most of us don't want to work too hard or invest too much of ourselves into anything so we let others foot the bill and direct us only to find that those people have only used us to further their own agenda. This is when we become jaded and blame the world for our short comings or perceived failures. Well the only time you truly fail is when you choose to spend more time complaining than you do learning and improving your situation. Each of us can accomplish ANYTHING we want. You just have to commit to it daily and focus all of your thoughts, energy and conversation on moving forward. Leave no room for negative thoughts or complaining. Remember, you can blame who ever you want but the truth is it's all on YOU. Stop complaining and start moving. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Maintaining Your Vision

The longer I do this the clearer certain things become to me. It seems that the easiest things become the hardest things and vice versa. As artists and musicians we always start out with a very concise vision and plan but we end up feeling like we have to compromise that vision only to come full circle to realize that maintaining your vision is the true key to being successful. I work with a lot of people and what I've found is that even though I've gotten a lot of great experience, some of the experiences where really just distractions from MY vision. You know how it is. We will figure if we do some of this and some of that then we can cover all the bases and have a better chance of making it happen. Well what I've discovered is that is better to just stay focused on YOUR vision. Dedicate all your time to developing YOUR thing because all of the people that are distracting you will all fall by the way side leaving you to return to what you should have been doing in the first place and that's focusing on YOU. How many situations have you been in where people depend so heavily on what you bring to the table but they don't compensate you or even try to invest in YOUR career advancement. Man I've lived through that so many times it's ridiculous. What I realized was I didn't necessarily need them as much as they needed me. That was when I decided to focus on branding myself at all times. I'm still in the process of really defining myself as an artist but I'm doing so on my own terms because I now see what audiences want to buy from me and I've discovered that it doesn't matter who I'm working with. By the grace of GOD, they still see who I am. All of my touring and working with people has only served to show me that I have all I need to do and be whatever I want and the same goes for you. Don't always think that you need someone else to do something for you. Very few people posses vision. Those of us that have it must move on it. Don't wait or discuss it, just move! It never ceases to amaze me how many people just don't have a clue about this business and what it really takes to make it. I'm done trying to convince them. Let's just lead by example and realize our own visions. Let's just let our success do the talking for us. Watch ME! Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

You Never Know It All

I'm just returning from playing a Jazz festival in Umea, Sweden with guitar legend Jody Williams. Before doing the show, I knew a little about Mr. Williams but once I got a chance to spend some time with him and talk, I discovered that he was one of the main session musicians at Chess Records. He worked with Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf. Mr. Williams and Bo Diddley grew up together. I learned so much from just sitting and listening to him talk about his history and of course you know I had a bunch of questions. The whole experience just served to remind me that you never know it all. The show we played was a mixture of Jazz and Blues. I wrote my charts but once we had rehearsal we were able to personalize the groove a bit. It meant a lot to me to be able to talk to him and find out a bit about his thought process and history. It is important as musicians and people that we ALWAYS remain open to allow room for things to come in. No matter how smart we think we are or how good we think we can play, we must remain humble and open to serve the music. We must also never forsake how important it is to sit at the feet of our elders and just listen to their stories. There are so many lessons to be learned. From each of my tours I learn so much about personalities, business, music, etiquette and life. It is my goal to stay grounded and understand that I can never know it all. Everyday we have an opportunity to teach and be taught something new. It is truly ALL about the journey. As you continue to build your career, never take anything for granted and be sure to cherish and pass on all you learn. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Are Always On Stage

One of the things that has gone lacking in the current industry is artist development. There was a time when every label had some kind of artist development team. Motown Records was the most successful at developing the whole artists. The thing I think a lot of new artists miss is that being on stage is an honor, privilege and responsibility. It doesn't just end when your performance is over. When you choose a career in show business you have to understand that you are always on stage. We are blessed to get to make a living by sharing our musical gifts with people and we can never forsake how our actions can affect and influence our fans. I don't mean that you have to try to be who others want you to be but it is important to set a standard for yourself. An artist should always carry him/herself like a star at all times. This doesn't mean that you walk around with an ego but you have to understand that you are always marketing or selling who you are. It may not seem fair but people buy into our images and they don't want to see us walking around the grocery store looking crusty. Just always be aware of your appearance and how you speak and carry yourself in public. Another issue I have with some artists in public drinking, especially when you are on stage. Now I know we are adults but the stage should be treated with respect. It's OK to take a sip here and there but to turn the stage into a bar area makes you too common. The stage is suppose to create a fantasy for people. That's why we dress like stars and act like stars on stage as oppose to just looking and acting like everybody else. Most people don't have the courage to get on stage and do what we do so we must maintain a level of quality in our presentations. It is also important that we know how to carry ourselves in interviews, restaurants, parties, galas, award shows . . . etc. We should be well read and able to have intelligent conversation about a number of topics. Don't allow people to relegate you to just being THE TALENT. Since we are performers people will sometimes take for granted that we are ignorant to anything other than what we do. This why it is critical that we carry ourselves in the best way possible when off the performance stage. As I stated earlier we are always on stage. So always dress to impress with class and style. Speak to everyone with respect and humility. Be the best artist and person you can be AT ALL TIMES. The stage lights NEVER dim. Someone is ALWAYS watching. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just Keep Working

The biggest think you need to have in this industry is faith. The only way to not succeed is to give up. Everyone seems to think that one day they will get their big break and once it shows up they can start to really work. Well here's a news flash. There is no BIG break. When preparation meets opportunity then you have success. You have to just keep working and preparing ALL the time knowing that you are prepared for every opportunity that comes your way. If you stay ready then you never have to get ready. Success is all about small consistent pieces coming together to make a whole. You have to know that by working , getting better and more knowledgeable about what you do makes you a success. When the door opens for you it's to late to get prepared. I've heard so many stories of how producers and writers got a hit and offers started pouring in so fast that they spent most of their time doing business and not making music. They were able to survive because for years before that hit they were always working so they had a catalogue of material that was already done. They were ready! That is exactly what you have to do. Don't be too concerned about when or where your opportunity will come. Just know that it WILL come and your job is to be prepared to take advantage of it. Stay encouraged and focused on continuing to develop your craft. They say opportunity only knocks once. I disagree . . . it knocks everyday. You just have to answer buy doing the work. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved By Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's About Music, Not Money

Have you noticed that when people talk about the music industry, all they seem to mention is how much money you can make. The industry is now run by money managers that know absolutely nothing about music. How many execs at today's top companies have actually had to invest their OWN money in the company? I will tell you. . .NONE. They have not had to depend on developing great music to succeed. It's been all about hype and money for them. I submit to you that it's about music, not money. Now I know a lot of you will say that we have to make money to be successful. You are only right to a degree. We become successful when the money we make works for US, not when we have to work for it. Let me explain. To have a long successful music career you have to make great music first. This has to be your main focus not money. If you make great music and pay your dues by going out and building a loyal fan base across the world then the money you make will work for you because people are buying into who YOU are and what YOUR music is about. They are not buying into your marketing scheme. In today's music industry it's more about marketing that content. If we are to truly succeed we have to make music that doesn't sound like anything else we are listening to on the radio right now. That music is all about the money managers and being under their control. This is YOUR music. Make the music you like and go about finding a fan base that will support you and then you are in control because you are the only YOU around. Now finding your niche may take some trial and error but you can't give up and sell out to the machine. Once you find you niche and establish YOUR zone, then success is all yours. The money will then come the RIGHT way and you will not be a slave to it or anyone. Remember. . . It's about music, not money. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Don't Be Afraid To Just Be YOU

Relationships and music are so very much a like. It takes honesty, commitment, patience and love to be successful at both. A friend of mine said something about people in relationships being afraid to be their REAL selves for fear of loosing the person they are in love with. This conversation struck me because I have experienced that same feeling as a musician all my life. Let me explain, I have always known who I am as an artist and the music I create truly comes from within the REAL me but I have often found myself trying create things based on trying to please people around me. Now I have the ability to do anything I want. It's just that the way I hear things is most of the times beautiful but just a little left of center. I have always dealt with people that felt a need to change what is naturally beautiful about me and my creative being and sad to say but I allowed it to happen. The fact is there is no real freedom in compliance. Don't ever be afraid to just be you. I've discovered that the best thing for me to do is to trust my heart and inspiration even if those around me don't get it. True love, whether in a musical situation or personal relationship is not constricting. It is freeing. There is no better feeling that to have God plant the seed of an idea in your mind and for you to birth that idea into something beautiful and tangible that can be shared with others. As artists and just people we have to not be afraid to explore and share the realest parts of who we are. It takes a lot of energy to be fake or to try to be what you think others want you to be. The funny thing is when you finally decide to just be yourself, you discover that the world will open up and grant you all you want, need and deserve because everything about you is walking in truth. Now that doesn't mean we are perfect. We all have our quirks but I believe that it is our quirks that make us individually beautiful and artistically unique. I guess you can say it makes us imperfectly perfect. So the next time you sit down to create, just free your mind of any outside demands or opinions and just create what's in YOUR heart and I know that you will find it amazing. Stay true to YOU and by doing this you are guaranteed success in both your musical and personal lives. Please enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Please Understand

OK once again let me try to impart something very important to all aspiring and veteran artists. Success in this industry is based on having the right material, plan and team. If you are afraid to spend money or invest in yourself, then just quit now. You can not expect something for nothing. Please understand how this works. If you have a really great project, don't sell it short by not investing fully in it. Everybody specializes in this industry. You need a publicist to get you interviews, reviews and just known. The publicist's job is to let as many people know who you are and what you do as possible. The publicist is not a manager or booking agent. A booking agent is responsible for getting you paid shows. It's not the booking agents responsibility to manage you. The manager is suppose to help you reach your career goals by putting you in the right situations to make things happen. Now all of these people may occasionally be able to cross a line and work outside of their specialty but don't expect it often. Mangers and booking agents work on a percentage basis, so if you don't get paid they don't get paid. A publicist is paid up front. It is vital to keep your music promoted and exposed. The price of publicist may vary based on their Rolodex of connections. I've found that having a great publicist is worth it's weight in gold. It may seem like a lot of money to invest but you will reap that investment three times over. I'm just tired of artists saying they want to be successful but they are not willing to put it ALL on the line. Again if you can't afford to play the game the right way then just give it up. It really doesn't take that much. You can save a little money from each gig over a period of time to help pay for a publicist or whatever you need. You must first have a clear cut plan. Now go check your plan and do some research on hiring a publicist to fit your needs and budget. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Internet Boundaries

One of the most powerful tools in networking today is the Internet. Particularly the various social sites with Facebook being one of the most popular right now. This site can be very useful and addictive. The original premise as I understand it was to have a site where you and your personal friends could share and dialogue about whatever things you have in common. Once you reach five thousand friends you are automatically switched over to what's called a fan page. This is usually only done by artists or musicians. The thing that we have to be careful about as musicians is that we don't become a victim of this medium. We have to have well defined Internet boundaries. Most of us use Facebook as a place to build a fan base. I mean come on, how many people do you know that can say they REALLY have five thousand friends. It is important that we keep our posts and information focused on what we are marketing and we have to always understand that a lot of people don't really know us and will try all sorts of things on line. I recently received a rather vulgar comment from a woman that has purchased every CD I've put out and produced. She was admitted as a friend because she supported the music but she then began to make advances and vulgar inbox comments so I defriended her. After a time she continued to buy my music and sent me a message via one of my other websites asking to be reinstated so I gave her the ground rules and allowed her access again. Low and behold to only walk in a find that she had began to send me the inboxes again and my significant other saw it and was quite understandably upset. I have now had to go through and purge my friends list. This happened to me and all I ever post about is this business. The Internet creates fantasy for a lot of people. They can be who they want to be and they can include whoever they want to in their fantasy. As artist it is important that we realize that we can be targets of some one's imagination. I mean we are in the business of creating surreal states that help people escape their lives for a moment. The only thing is with the Internet the boundaries can become blurred and people can misread our intentions and disregard our boundaries. Let's just be aware that social networking for us is just another part of the job. We should only put things on the web that pertain to the music or art we are marketing. I know it can be tempting to bare your soul on your posts but resist it. Just write a song about. Mind your Internet boundaries. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Educate Yourself

Along with writing my own blog, I read quite a few written by industry pros and the most amazing thing to me is that probably sixty percent or more of the people pursing a career in this industry have no clue. I consult artists and musicians daily and I take for granted that we all know certain basic things. Well I find out everyday that I'm wrong. It is important and vital to educate yourself on this business. I keep saying this is the NEW music business and even though you may think that you know something about copyrights or publishing, if you are not reading the weekly updates and changes that are occurring then you are lost. I recently spoke with an artist on how to get his CD released and he was going on and on about what to do and having money to spend. My advice to him was to just release an Internet single via CD Baby and allow that to help him build a fan base because most people now consume music via Internet downloads/streaming and it is much less expensive to release music in this medium. Now he had no real knowledge of how music is bought or sold on the Internet, even though he spends hours on the Internet everyday. He then says well if you say so because you know about this and I don't. I then tell him that I can help him but he will have to pay for my input. What I am going to do is try to teach him how to help himself by getting him to understand that success in this industry is about education. Those that know or take the time to learn will always be in control. It doesn't cost you anything but time to read and educate yourself. There is so much FREE information available at a keystroke but you have to go find it. The new music industry is about independence. This is a musical and business revolution. This is the time to learn as much as you can so that you can contribute to where this thing is going and not just stand on the sidelines waiting to be told what to do. As an aspiring music business pro you should spend all of your Internet time learning what people like or dislike, how they like to consume music or other products and how you can use this information to your advantage. It's all about creating something that people feel they can't live without. Give them one GREAT experience and they will return for another. Now go study, read and learn all you can about this NEW game. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Facing A Hard Truth

Being blessed with a gift and the passion to pursue it can sometimes seem like a blessing and a curse. No matter how self motivated we are, we always want to feel like there is someone or something we can count on. The closer we get to achieving our goals, especially the extraordinary ones, the harder it gets and we begin to find out the truth about the people around us. We would all like to think that everyone wants to help us and see us succeed but that is far from reality. I've found that achieving success involves facing a hard truth and that truth is not many people are truly blessed or courageous enough to pursue their heart's desires and when they see someone who isn't afraid, it only reminds them of their own failure so they do all they can to stand in your way. Most may say that this is just being paranoid but it isn't. The hard thing about having a gift is that you realize that you were only given this gift to share it with the world but there are a lot of jealous, selfish and egotistical people in the world. The thing I've realized is that it's all part of a larger test. We have to be able to stay focused and committed in spite of anything or anyone that we may THINK is against us. We have the power to control everything in our world and people can only hurt you if you give them the power to do so. So the real truth is we have to always stay connected to the higher power that blessed us with our gifts and give no attention to anything that doesn't contribute to us achieving our goals. It is truly mind and heart over matter. Never be bitter or allow a situation or person to make you become negative. It's all about maintaining a pure heart and focus. Don't ever look outside of yourself for validation or acceptance. You have to trust and believe then so it will be. Not everyone will understand so just don't include them. Stay connected, inspired and let nothing negative infiltrate your heart. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Take Control

The road to success in this industry can seem very elusive. It is vital that we slow down sometimes and take stock of our actions. In order to build wealth or sustain a higher quality of life we must assess how and where we invest our time. We have to be willing to take control of our own destiny and career. It is rare to become wealthy by just being the hired talent. Whether as a sideman or artist it's just next to impossible because we have no real say so or control over what happens with our career. We have to position ourselves to be in places of authority. We need to be booking our own events for ourselves and others. It's all about duplicating ourselves and diversifying our talents. I've grown tired of touring with artists that make $10,000 to $75,000 a show and don't want to pay me any more than $500 to $1000. Now most musicians will say man I would be happy with that. Well you can't become wealthy just making that kind of money. I'm putting myself in the position to be the one making the $10,000 to $75,000 or even more. Now this takes shouldering more responsibility and working hard but hey I work hard anyway so I might as well be properly compensated. As musicians we are always forced to take the table scraps. Whether it's by promoters or club owners, we are always being under compensated. It's time to take control. This is not for everyone because you have to be willing to say no and walk away from situations. I don't mean make stupid decisions. Sometimes we have to do things for less money to get to a certain level but we have to set a limit and not allow people to pimp us. We also need to be aware of how to use our other skill sets to make money. Think about how much free advice we give to people to help them build their wealth. How many times have any of those people come back to you with a check after they made money using your advice. I don't know about you but I have yet to experience that one. (LOL) So let's just take control and do it ourselves. We have the know how and where with all to book shows and events. We don't always have to be on the bottom of the pile. From today forward start to seek every opportunity you can to take control of your own destiny and career. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The music industry is really all about psychology or mind games. It's very easy to become jaded if you are naive and try to take everything and everyone at face value. It's all about a person's motives. We have to be able to become quick judges of character and people's intentions. Some may say that this will take years of getting burned and going through bad situations to gain this type of discernment. I disagree. Being successful and keeping your spirit is all about education. It is important that we all read and study as much as we can about the basic components of the music industry. We should also read and study about the most successful people in the game and how they became who they are. Armed with this information and a little common sense, we will be prepared to size up anything and anyone that is coming at us. It is very important for us to decide what we want out of this business. It is only when people see that you are unsure about what you want that they begin to take advantage of you by selling you dreams and promising you things that are always just out of your reach. This is called carrot dangling but if you have your own plan and agenda laid forth for your career, then you won't waste as much time chasing lies and empty promises from people. Let me give you an example that I've just dealt with. I work with a lot of artists that tour the world. It's always a negotiation game. Now in one case I worked with an artist that I consider to be a mentor and we toured for almost half a year around the world. I didn't do the tour for my normal price because he said that if we did the tour at a lower price the first time around that we would be able to make more money the next year as a result of the ground work we would have laid. Well I did it mostly because I trusted him to look out for all of our interests. Now the next touring season rolled around and this guy has gotten booked all over the place but he didn't call us to do ANY of the dates with him and he just gave me a bunch of excuses about budget and this and that. What I learned was that his motive was to use anyone he could to get himself to where he wanted to be. This was cool because I made money and connections from working with him so I was still able to benefit form it but it just taught me not to get too involved or concerned about anyone Else's goals that don't line up with mine. I give you this same advice. Always beware of people that constantly make you promises that never come true. Even if you think of them as a friend. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Don't EVER take it personal just be sure to make every decision based on what is best for YOU and if you decide to help someone and they take advantage of your kindness, you still come out a winner because you were able to learn the truth about who they are. Stay inspired and don't allow anything to crush your spirit or jade you. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth

All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011