A lot of things have changed in our industry as far as technology and even how we make and market our product but one thing will never change... Time Is Still Money. This is one of the most important concepts of success. If you understand the value of time then you will be a winner. A lot of artists/musicians say they want to be rich, productive and/or famous but they waste a lot of time and they practice bad habits. The truth is that most of us don't even realize what being on time really means. If you are supposed to be somewhere at eight o'clock, showing up at eight makes you late. You should always arrive at least fifteen minutes early if it is a meeting or gathering. If you have an eight o'clock show or rehearsal, you have to arrive early enough to set up, get parked and settle yourself. In most cases it is good to arrive at least an hour early before a gig or rehearsal so that you are prepared. Being time conscious also raises your value with the people you work with. When someone hires musicians for a gig or project, they are dealing with a lot of parameters to make things come together so they want to hire people that will make their job easier. If you have a reputation for being on time and taking care of business, people will always call you first because they know that you will not cause them any stress by being late or unprepared. I've seen cases where guys show up late or in the nick of time and will be upset if you mention that they are late and this causes an uneasy scene because everyone is depending on everyone else to be in place and hold up their end of things. For those who are truly interested in being successful, start by managing and respecting time. This will improve your standing and reputation and for those of us that have to hire musicians...well learning a measure of patience is also in order because I've found that not everyone will understand being on time. But these people should know that as musical directors and contractors we are always looking to replace late and incompetent people at a moments notice. Practice being on time ALL the time because you never REALLY know who is watching you. Time is Still Money so go make yours and find your success.
The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011