Monday, October 31, 2011
You Never Know It All
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
You Are Always On Stage
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Just Keep Working
Monday, October 24, 2011
It's About Music, Not Money
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Don't Be Afraid To Just Be YOU
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Please Understand
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Internet Boundaries
Monday, October 17, 2011
Educate Yourself
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Facing A Hard Truth
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Take Control
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The music industry is really all about psychology or mind games. It's very easy to become jaded if you are naive and try to take everything and everyone at face value. It's all about a person's motives. We have to be able to become quick judges of character and people's intentions. Some may say that this will take years of getting burned and going through bad situations to gain this type of discernment. I disagree. Being successful and keeping your spirit is all about education. It is important that we all read and study as much as we can about the basic components of the music industry. We should also read and study about the most successful people in the game and how they became who they are. Armed with this information and a little common sense, we will be prepared to size up anything and anyone that is coming at us. It is very important for us to decide what we want out of this business. It is only when people see that you are unsure about what you want that they begin to take advantage of you by selling you dreams and promising you things that are always just out of your reach. This is called carrot dangling but if you have your own plan and agenda laid forth for your career, then you won't waste as much time chasing lies and empty promises from people. Let me give you an example that I've just dealt with. I work with a lot of artists that tour the world. It's always a negotiation game. Now in one case I worked with an artist that I consider to be a mentor and we toured for almost half a year around the world. I didn't do the tour for my normal price because he said that if we did the tour at a lower price the first time around that we would be able to make more money the next year as a result of the ground work we would have laid. Well I did it mostly because I trusted him to look out for all of our interests. Now the next touring season rolled around and this guy has gotten booked all over the place but he didn't call us to do ANY of the dates with him and he just gave me a bunch of excuses about budget and this and that. What I learned was that his motive was to use anyone he could to get himself to where he wanted to be. This was cool because I made money and connections from working with him so I was still able to benefit form it but it just taught me not to get too involved or concerned about anyone Else's goals that don't line up with mine. I give you this same advice. Always beware of people that constantly make you promises that never come true. Even if you think of them as a friend. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Don't EVER take it personal just be sure to make every decision based on what is best for YOU and if you decide to help someone and they take advantage of your kindness, you still come out a winner because you were able to learn the truth about who they are. Stay inspired and don't allow anything to crush your spirit or jade you. Enjoy the journey.
The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Chasing The Dream
Friday, October 7, 2011
Let's Get Real!
I had a conversation with an associate recently where he described a request he had received from a promoter. It seems that this promoter was representing a larger entity and they were sponsoring an event which included dignitaries from Europe as well as some VIPs from the US. The promoter goes into how the entertainment they originally booked had backed out and they needed a replacement. What was funny was the reason the original guy backed out was because they told him they were not going to pay him. They were expecting him to do it for exposure. LOL. Now they call my friend and ask him to do it for free as well and tried to make it seem like they were doing him a favor by saying that he would be seen by people from other countries and it could create great opportunities. Now let's keep in mind that this is a guy that has his own records out and he tours the world all the time and everyone else involved with the event was getting paid but there was no money for the entertainment. This kind of thing goes on all the time. I have just three words for promoters like this . . . Let's Get Real! As musicians we understand that we need promotion and exposure but there is a difference between being exposed and exploited. It is always amazing to me how people can book events and have a line item in the budget for everything under the sun but they always seem to run out of money when it comes to the entertainment. They then expect us to understand THEIR situation and just do it for whatever they have left and then they try to sell us on how this will be such great exposure. Now keep in mind that no one else at these events is asked to work for free. This is just blatant disrespect and it is our responsibility to inform these people of their error. As I have stated before, we deserve the same respect as any other professional. You wouldn't ask your doctor to operate on you for free promotion. LOL If you don't pay him, then you don't get treated. That's where we stand as musicians. If you can't pay us then don't call us. Don't get me wrong, there are times that we will and should do things to promote ourselves that may not be attached to immediate money but we can decide for ourselves when those times are. And we should not be the only one's there being charitable. If we are expected to give up something so should you Mr or Ms promoter. It's a new day. Lets get real about this thing. We have to make a living just as you do and we can't pay bills and build wealth by playing for free and hoping for EXPOSURE. In the words of my good friend C. Davis, "You can keep the pie in the sky, I'd rather have my pie on the plate." No more exploitation of artists and musicians. Enjoy the journey.
The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011