Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Matter Where You Go, There YOU Are

The one thing most of learn is that success is mostly about change. We start out with a particular idea of what WE think success is but by the time we achieve it, IF we achieve it, we realize that it involved changing ourselves. We sometimes stumble through our lives and careers running from place to place complaining about how people just don't understand us without realizing that it may very well not be everyone else that has the issues but US. Let me explain, one of the most beautiful and yet most destructive things about being an artist is our level of sensitivity. We simply want to be loved and accepted but instead of taking a chance on just being ourselves we get used to trying to be all things to all people. The thing is that this can only last for so long until we get fed up and we usually move on but we don't change our behavior and we then wonder why we keep getting the same results from each situation. Well no matter where you go, there you are. The problem is not everybody else . . . IT'S US! LOL Don't feel too bad though because, trust me, we all have to learn this lesson. The key to being a true success is learning to accept yourself for who you are and don't always try so hard to please everybody. Leave some room for people to please you. I've learned this myself. I've often found that I'm a people pleaser and I've tried to make others happy before myself but when my efforts didn't achieve the intended results I would get frustrated. I've learned that we have to be fully aware of who WE are, good and bad, and make changes to improve ourselves FIRST and not always try to please others first. The key is self analysis. We have to face the truth about our short comings and do what we can to modify them but not just for someone else but for ourselves so that this change is from within and will stay with us no matter where we are. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Study The Masters

Most of us don't really know where greatness starts. Yes you have to be born with a lot of it but exposure has quite a bit to do with it as well. Exposure to the music and art that came before us. The key to being GREAT in ANY industry is having knowledge of what you do and knowing where it came from. It is so important to study the masters. I listen to so many new artists and musicians that are super talented but they have limited exposure. I recently spoke to a young drummer who had never heard of Buddy Rich, Max Roach, Pappa Joe Jones or Art Blakey. Now I know a lot of you will say that it's because they where primarily Jazz musicians and most young cats are not into Jazz. The reason I think EVERY drummer should know these people and the many others like them is that the drum set, as we know it, was invented in America and Jazz was the music that really developed the instrument so if you are going to really understand the instrument you have to know the history of it's creation and be WELL aware of the musicians that pioneered it's development. Listening to all kinds of music is the greatest way to expose yourself and learn. When I was in college my music history professor encouraged us all to have have a portable music player and headphones with us at all times so that we could fill ALL of our spare moments with music. This is such a great way to better your skills and intellect as a musician. Having the talent is not enough. Talent, intellect and exposure are the cornerstones of greatness. I've listened to and continue to listen to as much music as I can, old and new. This practice continues to teach me and it also helps me get hired, create and define my own voice because I may not have played a song before but if I've heard it or been exposed to the style, I can play it. This is why listening and studying the masters, in all genres, is so important, and it is so beautiful because this is a life long journey, it it will never be over. So please listen, study and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Self Management Is Key

I've been in this industry a long time and I've seen a lot of things change. Well, let me say that I've seen everything change except the artists' point of view. Most artists/musicians still think that they need a manager, agent or promoter to be a success. That is no longer true and let me explain why. There was a time when managers, agents and promoters really believed and INVESTED in the talent they represented, but no more. As artists, we are looking for guidance and basically some financial help or investment in our careers. There is no need to waste our time any longer. The industry has changed so that managers and the like are only concerned with making themselves money. They are not interested in helping us build our career. They only want to benefit once we are already there. Self management is key because we have to shoulder the responsibility of building and guiding our own careers. I've worked for a lot of agents that have a roster full of artists but they only book each artist a few times a year. This doesn't really help the artist but the agent makes a commission on everyone so he is not really motivated to keep and one artist working too much because he is afraid of the artist becoming bigger than him. Yet the artists will sit by and complain but still hold their hands out waiting on this guy to give them something. Forget that! We have to be self promoting, self booking, self managing . . .etc . . . Build your career until it gets too big for you to handle and even then you can groom someone to handle the co-management duties. We don't have to play these games. The industry has become so reversed. I mean festivals, clubs, labels and the like all think they are more important than the artist and that the artist should bow down to them and for the most part we fall right in line and then complain about being disrespected and underpaid. Time out for that game. Let's ALL commit to stepping up to the plate to handle our own business and don't be afraid, if you don't know something, then just ask or do the research because it's free, it just takes a little time. NO MORE MUSIC INDUSTRY SLAVE MENTALITY. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

There's Joy & Success In Repetition

I watched a documentary a few days ago on Lil' Wayne and it was a very interesting look into his process. He is truly a gifted and very smart artist. Like him or not, you have to give him his due. He made a statement that I thought was profound. He said that his success came from doing things over and over until he got it as close to perfect as he could, repetition. I found this interesting and I agree, there is definitely joy and success in repetition. This basically means that perfect practice makes perfect. Success and wisdom go hand in hand. We learn best from experience and when we see that something works for us then we simply repeat it for as long as it continues to work. Now there are also some bad habits that we need not repeat but we are all human and we WILL make mistakes. Wise repetition is about discipline. In order to gain mastery of ANYTHING, it takes consistent work and dedication. It takes hours upon hours of repetition to perfect and simply get it right. This sounds like a simple concept, but for years we have gotten it wrong. We want all the fame and riches before we put in the hours of work. We put the trappings before content, talent and substance and more times than not we are consumed by the demons of greed and incompetence. We also have to look at the motivating factors. As a child, I spent endless hours listening to music and practicing instruments because I LOVED to play and learn. YES, I wanted to be successful but in the beginning my only motivation was to learn as much as I could about my instrument simply because I loved it and I wanted to be great at playing it. The visions of what I could do with it came much later. You see part of my repetition was observing older guys that had tons of talent and many of them had made it BIG but because they put the fame and vices before the craft, they were either broke, destitute, dead or living a life full of regrets. So as WE journey through this life and career, let's be sure to do our best to only repeat the positive things that add to our growth and success. We can and will learn from our mistakes but we don't have to repeat them. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Gift

I just returned from an outstanding weekend of shows in Canada and the people were so complementary of my playing that is was really humbling. I get this a lot from all kinds of people but it's the things they say to me one on one that really remind me of what this is all about. I was reminded that this ability is a gift and it can inspire people as well as make them happy and THAT is what the gift is for. It's understanding that there is something bigger than you or your ego. I spoke to a man that was a drummer before he was paralyzed in an accident and he said that seeing us play made him happy. This was a reminder to me that NOTHING is promised or guaranteed and it's important that I not misuse or disrespect the gift because it can be taken away from me in an instant. Having a gift is only part of it, it's our responsibility to continue to develop and get better at what we do because our gifts won't carry us ALL the way. It takes humility and life skills to truly understand this concept. We should also NEVER question the gift or the IT factor. It simply is what it is. Once we start trying to figure out what people see or like then we become plastic or fake because our goal then becomes satisfying others instead of just being ourselves and letting the gift shine through. This is not about money or success, it's simply about humility, passion, self understanding and achieving excellence simply because it's what we should do. Staying true to your gift and passion will bring you everything you need and some of what you want. Most of all, it brings you peace of mind and spirit so that you can see clearly and successfully navigate this life and career. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Invest Wisely

The most valuable commodity that we have as musicians is our time. Wasted time can never be returned. This is why it is paramount that we truly understand that time really is money and we should handle it as such and always invest wisely. I often hear a lot of musicians complaining about not getting paid well or being disrespected and for the most part all they are doing is wasting time because constantly complaining about an issue doesn't change it, once you know what the problem is, the next step is to find a solution. We should all be more solution oriented. If we know that playing certain clubs or venues doesn't pay well, then just don't play them. It's not even worth debating or having a lot of conversation about it. Club owners have an agenda that doesn't involve improving our financial state. Most of us will say that when we complain that we are only venting well for the most part venting is just wasting time, energy and brain power because after you've vented nothing has changed. The best thing to do is to just invest your energy and time into always moving forward. We REALLY have no time to waste. Every thought and word should contribute to our progress. Let's face it, not all of us really believe that we can have what we want so instead of admitting that we simply waste time blaming others for why we don't have this or that. When you truly believe in yourself and your goals, you don't waste time. If you doubt me, just look around at the people you know that ARE successful. Do they spend time complaining or solving? Just know that success can only come from investing your time wisely and that includes your words, deeds and thoughts. Try taking a week where you only spend your time investing in moving yourself forward. I mean ALL of your time. Don't even have a conversation that doesn't contribute to your progress and just watch what happens. Invest wisely and enjoy the journey.

The Truth All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reaching Your Full Potential

In the beginning we all start out with goals and visions but somewhere along the way we get sidetracked or should I say we allow things and people to sidetrack us. When you are younger, it's much easier to spend all of your time practicing and focusing on your art. I mean what else did you have to do? It is this focus and dedication, at an early age, that gets most of us to where we want to be but then we stall. We begin making decisions and choices that don't contribute to our growth potential and success is about reaching your full potential. The fact is that most people in the world NEVER reach their full potential simply because they either give up or become involved in relationships that don't support them fully realizing their potential. The hardest thing to accept as an artist is that you will have to mostly go it alone. The mistake WE ALL make is in thinking that we HAVE to have certain people in our corner, so much so, that we end up leaning on people who may care about us but don't REALLY understand who or what we are. Now I'm not saying that we don't need help. What I'm saying is that we tend to put too much stock in what other people think about OUR potential and talent. When you are given a vision, it is YOUR vision and until YOU make it happen it can just be impossible for others to see, even those who sincerely love you. Therefor you have to guard and protect your vision by simply making choices that will support and not destroy it. Just face it, until YOU manifest it, no one else will get it, so there is no need to waste your time trying to convince your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, best friend . . . etc, to believe in your vision or potential. Once you make it happen they will see. Reaching your full potential simply takes work and relentless dedication. It also takes being able to honestly assess and evaluate who and where you are at ALL times. It's only when WE are in doubt that others can have a negative influence on us. And yes we all have and will continue to make mistakes and sometimes take the wrong path but that is why we must constantly re evaluate to be be sure that we can keep our vision in front of us and pure. Stay true to YOU and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today I want to share something very special with you. We talk a lot about getting our music out to the masses and being accepted but the truth is that acceptance ALL starts within us. I recently received the final cut of a video by an up and coming pop group called Remix. Now hold on I know what you are thinking, POP GROUP!?, but hear me out. This group is special to me because my son Michael is one of the members. The group is a trio comprised of three very sharp teen aged performers. I've had the pleasure to have interacted with them all for a number of years and you know me, I'm not impressed by the pursuit of fame for fame's sack so I've given many a music business speech to them all. Their first single is simply entitled, "Beautiful". It is attached to an anti-bullying campaign headed by another outstanding young lady who also appears on the song but the reason I'm writing about it today is that the lyrics and concept of the song say so much. The song talks about loving everything about who and what you are, even flaws because it's really our flaws that define us. After hearing it, I thought that it not only applies to bullying but to EVERY human condition. Just think about it, people spend tons of money on loosing weight, plastic surgery, clothing, cars . . .etc all to be seen as beautiful and dare I mention how much time and money we invest as musicians/artists in trying to be accepted. This song gives us ALL the answer. You are simply beautiful just because you are YOU. You need not try to prove yourself to ANYONE! Low self esteem lies at the heart of many a bad life decision but just knowing who you are and loving yourself is the true key to success in life on ANY level. So I invite you all to celebrate your own beauty by listening and sharing this video, which you can view @ http://youtu.be/sMFNfT7Suvk. It is also great to see children in our industry making music with substance and meaning so I also invite you to show your support by downloading the song on itunes @ http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beautiful-feat.-kelsey-ann/id539664289. This song should become the anthem for all of us because WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Simply Blessed

I'm just returning from another great European tour and it was an awesome experience. I've been touring the world playing music for the past twenty years and it's all been made possible by music. We all spend time trying to build our careers and keeping our noses to the grindstone but it's so important that we take time to realize that we are simply blessed to be able to do what we do. I've been lucky enough to see things and go places that most people never even dream of and I get to do so because they want to hear me play and share my gift. One of the biggest pieces of being successful is exposure. It's always enlightening to see just how BIG and diverse the world is outside of YOUR backyard. Travel expands us as musicians and people. It's also important that, as we travel, we remain humble and focused so that we are able to truly glean knowledge from each experience. As we spend time trying to develop a following for our music, we must see the entire world as our potential audience. I'm often amazed at how you can go to another country and hear of artists that live in the U.S. that you never knew existed but they are superstars in Europe, Africa or Asia. Not to mention that the European market still values musicians over marketing. To them it's all about how good you are at doing your craft and it doesn't matter what type of music it is, they really do appreciate good music of ALL kinds. So as you continue forward, please invest time in traveling and seeing what the world has to offer. Expose yourself and your talent to as many cultures as you can so that you can learn as well. Remember we are simply blessed to do this and our gift to play music is our passport to the world. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Today we celebrate our countries independence which I find interesting as a modern creative artist because with all of our freedoms we, as a creative people are more enslaved than ever before. Instead of pursuing our passion and creating music that challenges the intellect, questions the establishment, pushes the envelope and adds melody to life and love, we have become slaves to commerce. We only want to make music that we think will make money or sell millions of copies. There is no independence in corporate greed for an artist. It used to be that artists became rich by simply being independent and following their creative hearts. People gravitated to the music because it was created from an honest and sincere place, not just to sell records. It's time that we as artists declare our own Independence Day. This is the greatest country in the world with the greatest opportunity for true freedom and as artists we are not doing our job. Historically it has always been our duty to push society forward and not just stand by and regurgitate ignorance. We have the freedom to do what we want to, unlike most other places around the world. We have become to comfortable. The new music business is ALL about declaring and claiming our independence from the penny pinchers and non creative types that care nothing about art. So today as we celebrate and reflect on our country's independence, let's move toward truly freeing ourselves and letting great music and art flow. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fame Is Not THE Goal

The general understanding of the entertainment industry has gotten totally confused but I guess it's nothing new. It's really the same game in a different time. Popular music has always been driven by the pursuit of fame. The only difference now is that fame has become the first thing people seek. Understand this . . . fame is not THE goal, it is only a byproduct of what happens when you pursue your passion and have success. Well, that's what it's suppose to be anyway. Think about all of the older stars in any genre such as Duke Ellington, Marvin Gaye, Miles Davis, Little Richard, Stevie Wonder, Prince . . .etc. These people only became famous because they were REALLY great at their craft. In today's industry, artists are more concerned about fame than they are about just being good at what they do. This is why the quality of popular music is steadily declining. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing today's music. I actually like a lot of it but it's simply fast food music with no real substance or staying power because most of it is created simply to serve some corporate plan or trend. The pursuit of fame for the sake of fame is also the reason that most artists end up broke. Since they are only concerned with being famous, driving the right car, wearing the right clothes, living in the biggest house . . .etc, they don't realize that fame doesn't pay for these things, it only gets you a loan that you have to pay back. By the time these artists pay for all of the middle men and all of these superfluous and pretentious trinkets, they are simply broke. It's time for us to get things back in proper perspective. Wanting fame is not a bad thing but if it's ALL you want then you are off the mark. Become great at what you do and the rest will follow. History has proven this to us over and over again. Don't let this age of the reality star who is famous for NOTHING push you to forsake honing your craft. Stay focused, grounded and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012