Monday, March 7, 2011

New Markets

The hardest thing to do in this industry is to keep reinventing yourself. In order to get different results, you have to do something different. As artists/musicians we have to always focus on new markets. This can happen at even the smallest levels. If you are a local star and you realize that you have topped out in terms of your earning potential, as is the case in just about every scenario, then you have to look at breaking new ground. I mean even if you just expand your shows within a three hundred mile radius in either direction, it will still be growth. Look at it this way, if you are selling music on the Internet all over the world, then why are you not following those sales up with live appearances in those markets as well. The ironic thing is that the people in your local market most of time are the last people to actually BUY your music. People will tell you that you should be doing more shows in your area but to what outcome. If you book your calendar full with dates in your local town, what time do you leave to invest in expanding your career and garnering new markets. I know that we have to make money to pay the bills and such but it's a catch 22 because as long as you are just doing your local thing you will never really make enough to survive on and if you do you will almost exhaust yourself mentally, physically and creatively by having to do all these small paying gigs just to make enough to have a comfortable income. Keep in mind that success in truly all about sacrifice. For every new level there are new sacrifices to be made. You have to choose just how far you want to go. The sky is not the limit...there is no limit just YOU and what you decide you want and are willing to work and sacrifice for. It's all about being known in as many markets as possible, whether it is performance venues, radio stations, media outlets and so forth. This is the only way to truly grow your career and wealth. Focus on expanding to new markets and go get your success daily.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions

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