Thursday, May 31, 2012

Musicians & Technology

Yesterday I spoke about about the ridiculous attempt of a retail vendor to charge artists 45% to sell their Cd's. I had a lot of interesting comments and the one thing that has become evident to me is that there is still a large gap between musicians and technology. Now I don't mean recording technology. Most of us are always on top of anything new involved with making music. I'm talking about the technology of commerce and the new ways available to us to sell our music to the world via digital means. Let's face it, the music industry has always been a cut throat game and for the labels and execs it has always been about making money and the artists or musicians are always on the bottom of the money pile. Nothing has changed. Largely because, as artists, most of us are seeking fame more than financial success. We are not educating ourselves on the new digital means of promoting and selling our music. We don't know much about how itunes, spotify, rhapsody, napster . . . etc. work. So if we don't really know then how can we educate our audience on how to participate is this new digital age as well? There is no longer a need to sign a record deal. Worldwide distribution is at your fingertips. I know it costs money to record a CD but most of us are financing our own records now and managing to sell quite well but we must now take full advantage of this digital distribution network that is freely available to us all. Knowledge is power! Don't let ANYONE take your money because of your lack of knowledge. The world of selling music is moving forward and it is not going back to what it used to be EVER so we MUST embrace this new technology and master making, promoting and selling our music on this digital landscape. Now go do the research and empower yourself and your audience. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let's Take A Stand

Enough is enough! I received an email last night informing me that a certain blues festival and their retail vendor have decided to take 45% of the artists CD sales versus the standard 25%. This is ridiculous and it's time that we as musicians put our foot down. We already have to haggle with these festivals over money and I understand that providing airfare and accommodations can get costly, especially in today's economy, but fair is fair. Most artists will accept less money to play a festival because they know they can make up the difference in merch sales and this is only fair because people will only really buy your product if you put on a great show. That CD sale is a direct reward for your great performance and people at festivals come prepared to spend money on Cd's of artists they like. What has happened is that the festivals have taken notice of this and instead of just staying in their lane, they have decided to take even more of our retail money. Well I say NO! I advise any artist to protest this kind of ridiculous percentage by simply not selling your product. You can print post cards to give out with your retail purchase information such as itunes or Cd Baby. Some will say that we will loose . . . NO WE WON'T. The festival will loose because if we don't sell product then that's money that can't make either and when people by direct from us via the Internet, we don't have to give the festival a dime. It's time out for this disrespect. Without us they couldn't have a festival anyway and it's all the same. No matter what shape the economy is in, they will always complain about how they don't have the money and we have just gotten used to playing THAT game but we will not play this retail gouging game. Spread the word. Anything over 25% is a no go. Also with people having a direct link to the Internet via their phones now, at each show take a moment, while on stage, to have people go to your site and tell them to download your music directly to their phone. I know that most blues music fans still like doing things the old way but this is a part of taking a stand. We have to educate them and bring them into the digital age. Technology has given us even more entrepreneurial freedom so let's use it. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Leaders & Followers

Every one likes to think of themselves as a boss or leader. Well most of us have the concept totally backwards. We think that being a leader means that you get to call all of the shots and answer to no one. This is the furthest thing from the truth. I've noticed this more and more in our business, especially with musicians aka sidemen. A lot of sidemen are also leaders in their own situations. Let me tell you a secret about leaders and followers. In order to be a great leader, you must first be a great follower and you must also realize that being a leader really only means that you are in someone Else's service. Let me explain . . . President Obama is our leader but he was elected to SERVE to people of this country. He has to make decisions that are best for the country as a whole, not just what he may think is best. He is the leader but he basically works for the people. Just as in being a good sideman will only make you a better leader because leading is about service. If you can play the part of sideman and stay in your lane by always being prepared, on time and respectful of the leader and the organization's requests, then when you are in the leader's chair you will know how the best lead (serve) your team to get the best results. The main problem that exists is that leaders are born and not everyone that thinks they are a leader can really live up to the task. I've seen so many sidemen be disrespectful or even incompetent in a situation and think that they will have success as a leader because everything is always someone Else's fault and if they are in charge then it will all be better. (LOL). Again I say, leaders are born and they not only know how to lead but they know how to follow and this cycle never ends. For all young musicians that expire to ever lead their own group or situation, just work on being the best follower you can and if you find yourself in a situation that doesn't serve your best interest, just leave. Don't poison everyone else with your discontentment. Part of being a leader is being able to make hard decisions that are not always popular but effective. The key to being a good leader is knowing how to be a great follower. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nothing To Prove

I had a conversation with a good friend last night about what's REALLY important in life. The cool thing is that she is very well off and she commented on how she still thought that education was most important. We also agreed that no matter who you are or what you have, humility is always best. I enjoyed speaking with her and later I thought about how we look at things in the music business. We all start out with individual goals but somewhere along the way we become intoxicated by adulation and approval, so much so that we begin to focus on that more than our art. We have to remember that we have nothing to prove. If we spend all of our time trying to be what we think others want us to be, then we are simply lost. We also can't try to base who we are or what we want on what someone else is doing. It takes a lot of humility to know who you are and just be satisfied with that. People only feel the need to prove themselves because of insecurity and yes we all want to be validated but it is so much better when we can validate ourselves. I've just recently come to this place of enlightenment for myself. I help a lot of people with information that is invaluable to their success but a lot of them show no real respect for me or my info. They will pick me for the knowledge and run off and pretend as if they always knew everything and not acknowledge where they learned the information. I've realized that helping people is my choice and something I will continue to do because it's the right thing to do and I'm continually blessed as a result. I have nothing to prove. I know who I am and the value of what I've done and will do. I'm just thankful to be able to live a free life doing something I love and part of what I love is helping people and I don't plan on stopping and neither should you. Just believe in yourself and look no further than in the mirror for validation. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Write It Down

I'm currently consulting a very talented young group of artists and this is giving me a chance to revisit some very fundamental things about this business. Building and guiding your career is a huge and constant undertaking and we can sometimes get overwhelmed because we find ourselves running in several directions at once with no real purpose. Again I remind you that this is a BUSINESS and like any other business we have to follow certain protocols. Whatever your goals are, simply write it down. I know this sounds too simple but it really works. Prioritize your goals and write them down along with a to do list for each step or phase of accomplishing these tasks. This will keep you focused and give you a way to track your progress. It will enable you to make concrete business decisions and not emotional ones. You will also be able to invest your time and money better. Once you write your goals down, you should place a copy where you can view them daily as a way to keep you on task. Trust me, this works. Sustained success is about being organized. This also works because in order to write something down, you have to give it some critical thought and evaluate strategies. So make sometime today to start writing your goals down and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The music industry has a reputation for being a cut throat business but I dare say that it is no more so than any other BIG industry. Money or the LOVE of money can be an intoxicating thing and it can make people loose site of their intended purpose. It is most important to always practice good business ethics. You should always strive to be an honest and trustworthy person, not only in life but in your business. It is OK to be blunt and focused but your intentions must be sincere from the outset. There are people in this industry that set out to defraud, lie and misguide people by simply exploiting someone's ignorance or passion to succeed. Most people enter this business wanting to be rich and famous by any means. The truth is they don't even have good ethics themselves. I mean they will betray anyone or anything if it means they can be famous or rich. This never ends well. I've had situations where my intent was honorable but the people I worked with were not. They wanted something for nothing and had no real respect for my services and when things didn't turn out the way they should have, these people blamed me but it only turned out bad because of their lack of ethics. Don't be fooled, you CAN be successful in this business and still maintain your integrity. Understand that there are NO shortcuts and you must be careful who you work with. NEVER work with unethical people. Also don't expect to just sit by on the sidelines and have everything given to you. This type of attitude will only get you ripped off. Just practice good business with good people and if you happen to make some mistakes, and you will make some, just learn from them and move forward. AND NEVER GET CAUGHT UP IN BAD MOUTHING PEOPLE! This is never a good thing. You should never say anything behind anyone's back that you can't say in their face. Once you say it to them, that's it, no need to repeat it to any one else. Just be ethical and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Knowledge Is Power

To be a success in any industry requires that you study and continue to gain knowledge about your field but for some reason most of us don't think that this applies to the music industry. We often complain about being treated unfairly or not being paid well. We spend so much of our time focusing on fame and money that we miss the boat. We think money will give us the freedom and control we seek but that's not necessarily so. We must remember that knowledge is power. I consult a LOT of people and it never ceases to amaze me how some of the most talented people have no clue about the most basic things in this industry such as how to register a copyright, set up a publishing company, file with soundscan, register with BDS . . .etc. There is a long list of things that EVERY person seeking success in this industry should know. I've seen people get investors and go through the money so fast because they lacked the knowledge of what to do with the money to make more money. This industry, like any other, is full of sharks and they make money of other people's ignorance. We MUST continue to study and look at this business as a science. The more knowledge you have the more valuable you are and the more you can contribute. People often ask me why I give away so much free information. I do so as a way to help inspire others to be self motivated and independent thinkers and not just look at the so called fame and fortune. The true riches are found in the amount of knowledge you acquire. Record deals come and go as does fame but knowledge will last you a lifetime. No one can take it away from you. Now go empower yourself and enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Keep Teaching & Learning

We all work really hard in this business and sometimes we can miss the small rewards. No matter what level you are whether it's making number one million sellers or playing gigs at clubs or festivals, we are all in the same business. I have been mentored by some of the best people in this business in both the artistic and business side of things. As a result of these people being so giving with their knowledge, it has always inspired me to give back and share whatever information I can. I'm reminded that we have to keep teaching and learning. I have lectured and taught hundreds of students over the past ten years and I recently had a great reminder of how important this has been. I went to a rehearsal with some former students of mine and I watched them rehearse, I was so impressed with their drive, energy and attention to detail. After the session I complimented them on their work ethic and they all said they had learned it from me and their goal was to be able to live up to MY example . . . WOW! I was blown away. I never really knew what kind of impact I was having but I guess it stands to reason because I'm still trying to live of the the examples of my mentors. It is so important that we never stop teaching or learning. We are all in this together and it is our responsibility to pass on our knowledge and experience to the next generation and each other. We all have something to teach and we all can definitely learn something new. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Be Fearless

Exposure is a key component to being successful. I often talk to a lot of musicians that want to know how to get into touring or how to advance their career outside of their local gigs. My advice is to simply be fearless. Most people talk about wanting this and that but when presented with the very opportunity they say they want, they are too afraid to take it. You have to go after what you want with reckless abandon. Don't just talk about it, BE about it. I have so many friends who have had major touring opportunities but they some how found reasons not to take them and years later they are still talking about wanting to get out there. I also have a lot of friends who did take the step and continue to be successful. The bottom line is if you want it, then just go get it. You have to do the things that will prepare you to be in the game like getting your passport NOW. You know that you can't leave the country without one so if touring internationally is what you want to do, you have to be proactive and get your documents in order first. Opportunity does not always come in a neatly wrapped package and when it shows up, you don't have a long time to make a decision. You have to be fearless enough to ALWAYS be prepared and EXPECT it to come because it will. We all get what we ask for, it's just that not all of us are courageous enough to take the chance. Yes, pursuing a goal or dream is taking a chance because there is no guarantee and this is what scares most people out of trying but one thing is for sure, if you don't at least step out and try you will never know. You can truly have WHATEVER you want, you just have to be fearless enough to go get it. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012


It seems that for the past ten years, at least, I've always been in one phase or another of making a record. It has truly just become another part of what I do. By doing it so much, I have matured as a writer, musician and producer. It is easier to know right away what works and what doesn't. The biggest think I've learned is when to stop. I've been a part of so many potentially great records that suffered from overproducing. What I mean by overproducing is putting too much into a song. Every great record starts with a great song and everything added to the production should serve the SONG but being in the studio and having limitless options seems to be too much for most people. I've seen people take a simply great song and add three more guitar parts and strings and on and on until you end up with a finished product that sounds NOTHING like the great song you started with. The important thing to remember when recording is that space is a beautiful thing and space is music too. The goal of any production should be finding the simplest way to the end result. Great melody, great lyric, great groove and great arrangement but it must ALL serve the song and not the ego of the musicians or the producer. We have to surrender ourselves to the song by emptying our minds and listening to what the song is asking for. It will tell you what it needs and what it doesn't need. A great producer is one that can always do ONLY what is needed. We have to resist the urge to keep adding things. Remember less is more and simplicity is bliss. I mean if you are recording a power trio record then someone wants to add extra guitar parts and keep overdubbing this or that, then you've gotten away from the purpose, IT'S A TRIO! So make a trio record. (LOL) It helps to make recording a regular part of what you do so that being in the studio is not a novelty. Most people record so infrequently that they feel like they have to play and say EVERYTHING they know on that one session, record or song. Making a great record is just like life and it's about capturing great moments. These are things that happen without a lot of explanation or overdubs, it simply happens in the moment and when it does it's magic. AND YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHEN NOT TO MESS WITH IT! So go write your next hit and remember, don't overproduce the energy, vibe and spirit out of your creation. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finding Your Voice

The hardest thing to do in this industry is striking the balance between making music that's creatively satisfying and commercially successful. As hard as it may seem, it's not impossible. The problem is most of us don't realize that it can take time. It's all about finding YOUR voice. Some artists can have success driven by marketing and money but if the artist hasn't really found his/her voice, that success will be short lived. Marvin Gaye was a prime example of this. His early hits with Motown were great records but they were machine driven. It wasn't Marvin's voice we were hearing. He's stated that those songs where often uncomfortable for him to sing and in keys that were just too high but Motown had a vision and a voice of it's own to sell. With a record like What's Goin On, Marvin discovered HIS voice and even though he had been successful before then, nothing compared to the way he sounded and connected with his audience once he found his voice. That's what we have to be in search of as artist. We have to find our own personal voice and the only way to find it is to keep writing, performing, recording and releasing material. It's a kind of trail and error game but once you find it, you are there. The only way you don't find it is if you stop looking. The more I record and perform I come closer and closer to knowing what my voice is. I have also found that it has a lot to do with your life experience so live your life full out and find your voice. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back To Square One

I just watched a documentary on band Fishbone and it was a bitter sweet story but the thing that stood out to me was how for them it was always ONLY about the art and the music. When they put their band together they were not thinking about record deals or being rich and famous. They were just kids that loved music and wanted to play. This was so refreshing to see and it made me realize that in this fast pace corporate driven industry we now live in it's time to get back to square one. We all spend so much time focusing on the getting deals and making money that our music has began to suffer. It's as if we can't just create or trust the music we hear in our hearts. We are too busy trying to keep up with the latest style or some one's idea of what something should be. Even in traditional genres like Jazz and Blues there are so many opinions about what is real or not real and cats are only making music they thing will fit into this game. Well that is a bunch of crap. Any music that you create from YOUR soul is real because it came from a sincere place and it has nothing to do with how well you can play or sing. If you have something to communicate and you can do it sincerely and honestly then THAT is art. That's what made Fishbone unique. They didn't care about trying to be like someone else, they just made the music they loved which just happened to include influences from all genres of music. Even though they didn't rise all the way to the so called top, they were one of the most influential bands in the modern era and they are still doing it. They are not rich and they still refuse to sell out to this industry. The band is STILL forging ahead to discover new sounds and create new music. I applaud their courage. It's time that we ALL get back to square one. Trust me everything else we desire will come if we are always honest and sincere with this craft. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bought Sense

We have all heard that experience is the best teacher. This is so true but it doesn't mean that you have to personally experience EVERYTHING to learn from an it. Being successful requires as much humility as it does drive and ambition. What I mean is that you can't walk around thinking you know everything. I can remember as a younger musician being warned of certain pit falls to look out for and some of those warnings I heeded and others I thought I knew better but I soon found out about something that the old folks called bought sense. You know when you have a hard head about something and you end up paying a huge price for you arrogance and refusal to listen. Now I'm not saying that we won't have to make mistakes or go through things but we should at least make some NEW mistakes. For instance, in this day and age there is really no reason for ANYONE to get ripped off by signing a bad publishing or record deal. There are far too many examples of what NOT to do but we still hear stories about people signing bad deals and then complaining that they didn't know. That's what you call some bought sense and don't always be so willing to only take advice from those who were successful, there are far more lessons in talking to people that fell short because they will give you priceless, career saving information. Just stay humble and keep your heart and ears open to learn from the experiences of others, good and bad. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012


Musicians live an exciting life. If we are lucky, we get to create and perform for people all over the world. Most people identify us as thrill seeking, drug using, fast living, rock & roll junkies and as much as I would like to dispute it, there are far too many examples of this being true. The one misconception is that drugs and alcohol are the worst enemy but I beg to differ. Many musicians will make it through their alcohol or drug phase but miss the worse addiction of all and that is FOOD. We spend all of our time trying to be the best we can be at our craft but we neglect our lifestyle. As we get older our diet and exercise regimen becomes more and more important. The truth is that is has always been important! Our quality of life is strictly based on how we treat our bodies. It's important that we monitor what we eat. We have to keep late hours and sometimes get very little sleep so it is vital that we drink plenty of water, exercise and eat foods that will help our bodies. Alcohol & drugs are not our friends but neither are fast foods, sodas and high in sugar snacks. I advise everyone to reassess your lifestyle choices as it relates to diet and exercise. It will improve your quality of life for sure. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012


One of the biggest things that we miss about achieving success is that it ALL starts with us. It starts with our very thought process. I've heard a lot of musicians complain about how someone else is always against them or trying to hold them back. Well, I believe if you think or say something long enough, it will manifest into the truth. Success is all about perception. I know you've heard the saying, "Perception is reality". This is true because we all have different realities. You can take two different musicians and let them experience the same thing and based on their perception, you will get two totally different assessments. The key is to only search for the good things you want. Every situation can be perceived as good or bad, it just depends on how YOU choose to look at it. I personally believe that anything you can walk away from with your life in tact is a win because you will live to see another day and continue your journey. We must learn to stop investing so much time and energy into negative thoughts or things. We have to choose to always look for the upside. Trust me, if you look for it, you will ALWAYS find it, but if you are always looking for something to go wrong, you will always find that too. It's all about choices. I choose life, love, beauty and success in everything I see and do. What about you? Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Being a great musician/artist is much like being a great athlete. It takes hours of practice and to be be great you have to develop both the physical and mental sides of your craft. The biggest thing they both have in common is that you have to have heart to be the best. It's hard to be a musician and even harder if you are attempting to make a living just doing music but it's not impossible. I hear a lot of people complaining about this or that but the truth is they just don't have enough heart to roll with the punches. Having true heart not only means rolling with the punches but being able to punch back and when you get knocked down, just keep getting up. That's how you win. It takes a different kind of tenacity to follow your passion. This is not really field you enter if money is your FIRST priority. Making money is important but your loyalty must always be to your craft. If you stay focused on developing your skills and making the best art you can then the money will come. Not everyone will be a millionaire but you can make a comfortable living. You just have to have a do or die attitude and NEVER take no for an answer. I've been doing this a long time and I've had a lot of success but I've learned as much from my setbacks as I have from my successes. The setbacks test your heart. I mean there have been times when I would feel defeated but giving up was NEVER an option. I just took a step back and looked at what I needed to learn from the experience and moved on. It takes a lot of heart to keep putting your self on the line but that is what the best of us live to do. You have to give ALL you have. It's truly ALL or nothing. So stay encouraged, as long as you stay in the race you are a winner and your only competition is yourself. Always keep a positive outlook, learn from EVERYTHING and NEVER give up, that my friend is having heart. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Complain, Invest In Yourself

The music business is no different than any other. Your success starts with you and your personal will to succeed. You have to understand that making excuses and complaining will only waste your time and slow your process. The problem in this industry is that most of us want something for nothing. We want fame and money but we are not willing to invest in ourselves. This is why record companies have always gotten over on us, and by the looks of things will continue to do so. Don't complain just invest in yourself! We've all read credits on Cd's and seen that executive producer credit. The executive producer is the person who basically pays the bill and takes the lion's share of the financial risk. Most artists want to make records and get promoted but are not willing to invest one dime of their own money yet they will be the first to complain when their record makes money and the bills have to be paid first. I tell you I speak from experience on this one. I've produced a lot of independent records on artists that had great talent but very little self belief. They were quite fine with my company paying for all of the recording expenses and guiding their career but once the product was done and we had to discuss how I would get paid for my investment, it was as if I insulted them. They really felt like they shouldn't have to pay me. I've even done records on a spec deal, which means you get paid on the back end, and once the artist got their CD done and started selling . . . well let's just say that I'm still waiting on the first payment years later LOL. These are the same people that will complain that no one wants to help them or the world is against them, boo hoo hoo. Well I have no sympathy for ANY artist that will not invest in themselves at all. I mean if all you can do is invest a few hundred dollars, that's something but to not take ANY risk and expect everything for free, that's not going to work. If you REALLY want to be a success, just invest in yourself and don't spend ANY time complaining. It's really counter productive. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2012