Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome 2 TheTruth

Hello and welcome 2 The Truth. We will be discussing a lot of information associated with the "New" music business. Our first topic is developing your craft. Now we all know that there is a difference between a "HIT" song and a "GOOD" song. Every now and then you will find a song that fits both but most of the time the former is created by promotion and over the top marketing. But I digress. To truly have a "CAREER" in the music industry, you must have a strong fundamental base. If you are a producer, a basic knowledge and respect of musical form and history is a must. I advise everyone to play an instrument of some sort and basic knowledge of the piano is a must. Now this is strictly from a creative point of view. One of the main reasons for a decline in musical quality in the industry is that you have a lot of non-musicians making records and running the industry. We have seen a steady decline in sales because of this very fact. With Itunes and other download sources, consumers are able to just buy the song they like instead of blowing cash on a full CD with just one great song and the rest fillers. So instead of artists' deciding to step up the quality, most have just decided to focus on making "HIT" singles instead of making a great project as a whole. Everything comes to an end and music, like all things in life, goes in circles. We will soon see the industry return to demanding a higher level of quality and consistency. So I encourage all of you to develop your craft and take it to the stage. Live performance experience in an invaluable way to learn what works and what doesn't. It is truly instant. You will know what moves an audience right away and you can then take that info to the studio and cut. Live performance will also help to preserve the music that came before us. So this is step one. In future blogs we will talk more about the music as a business but I wanted to start in order. The most important thing should be creating a quality product with competent and qualified talent. So go read & practice your craft. This is THE TRUTH.

(c) 2009-2010 Airtight Records, Inc.

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