Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reinventing Yourself

The key to having a long career in the music industry is knowing how to stay relevant. As producers, songwriters, musicians or artists we all understand what it means to become stagnant or even dated. It is important that we stay motivated and continue to find fresh inspiration. The key is being able to reinvent yourself. This is done by constantly challenging and pushing the creative envelop. It sometimes requires a new look, sound and attitude. Artists like Miles Davis, Prince and Madonna are great examples of artists that have reinvented themselves over and over again. Reinvention is just growth and expansion. When we become bored with our current state or we feel creatively flat, going in a new direction gives new life to everything. From a commercial perspective it is important to stay abreast of where popular music is trending but don't feel that you have to follow the trend just be aware of where the game is so that as you reinvent yourself you can carve out your own niche. The process is inspiring and exciting. This is actually something that has to happen in every career and in every one's life and some point. Reinvention only occurs as the result of years of experience and trail and error. Most times we only truly find ourselves during our reinvention process because we are truly living out loud with no creative limitations. Our experience also has given us a chance to know exactly what our strengths are creatively, visually and otherwise so we know what we really do well and what to focus on. We all have alter egos and different sides to our personality. Reinvention allows us to explore those sides in a creatively exciting way. Reinvention truly opens the door to discovery. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

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