Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

It is important that we learn from our past. Learning from it doesn't mean that we dwell on it. We are all a sum total of our experiences, good and not so good. It is our experiences that give us wisdom and discernment. We have to be able to keep moving forward. The best way to do this is to allow yourself to be validated by your own experiences and not by what others say or thing. One of the biggest mistakes we make in this industry is not realizing our own power. We pretend to move forward while only standing still or moving backwards because we are constantly waiting for others to validate us when we are already ahead of them in so many ways. When we commit ourselves to moving forward, we don't allow people to sidetrack us with hype or lies because we are too focused on looking ahead. Keep in mind that others can see our gifts and potential as well but instead of helping you move forward, they will make you think that you need them to achieve something when the truth is that they really need you. It all goes back to knowing who YOU are and being confident enough in your ability to do whatever it is you have set out to do. I don't mean arrogant but confident. There is a difference. You can be confident and humble. Just be careful because it is the humility that will make people think that they can take advantage of you and cause you to not move forward. I have surmised that all the things I've ever wanted are and have always been within my own grasp. I know what to do and how to do it. The key is not falling for the shortcuts or being afraid to work and stay focused on my own visions. I have developed a keen sense for weeding out BS. I am now able to keep moving forward without ever really telling anyone what I'm doing. I've also learned to do more listening than speaking. This also allows me to keep moving forward because if you listen long enough people will tell you all you need to know. So stay focused and at all costs, keep moving forward. Failure is never an option. Enjoy the journey.

The Truth
All Rights Reserved by Airtight Productions 2011

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading that post. One minor comment I have: you said "You can be confident and humble. Just be careful because it is the humility that will make people think that they can take advantage of you and cause you to not move forward." I agree you have to be careful not to come off as so humble that people think they can walk all over you, but humility is also something that might make people want to work with you again and again...
